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I am trying to show various random dates on the calendar ( For example 7/1/2008, 7/7/2008, 7/10/2008, 8/12/2008 etc) in a web calendar. When I set the SelectedDate property of the web calendar it only selects one date in the calendar. I have also tried using SelectedDates property to set multiple dates. But in this case only the first date is highlighted on the calendar. Is there a way by which I can show multiple dates highlighted in the calendar.
Here is how the code looks like:
C# backend code to show multiple dates on the Webcablenar
DateTime TestDate = new DateTime("2008-07-01")
WebCalendar1.InitialDisplayDate = TestDate;
SelectedDate.Date = MyDate;
Thank you for the question.My apologize for the inconvenience.Basically, WebCalendar can’t highlight various random date. For example 2012-05-09, 2012-05-11, 2012-05-17, etc.However, you could highlight the next few days (For example 2012-05-09, 2012-05-10, 2012-05-11, etc.), by using “CustomHighlightedDays” property.Then set “HighlightMode” property to ‘Custom’.
Thank you.Regards,Hans.
Thanks for your response. The ability to select various random dates is crucial for the control that we are trying to build. We want to store the user selected random dates in the database then show the saved dates in the calendar when the user arrvies on the page the next time and then give them the ability to select and un select the dates. Without the ability to highlight random dates on load this control would not work.
Can we request for a new feature in the WebCalendar that will highlight all the dates that are present in the SelectedDates collection of the WebCalendar?
Also, is there any other control from Intersoft that will let us highlight random dates in Calendar (WebScheduler, CalendarUI etc)?
I have submitted the scenario, to load WebCalendar with selected dates, as feature request to our WebCalendar development team.The team will check the feasibility to implement this feature in the next build of WebCalendar.You might want to try our UXCalendar control. However, UXCalendar is a Silverlight control.You could see the UXCalendar sample in our ClientUI live sample in
Thank you for understanding.Regards,Hans.
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