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when i right click the head,it show the follow card erroe.png and my code is code.txt
how can i do
I coudn't run your code because it has bound to a database.
May I know what is the build version of your WebGrid control and the version of your FireFox browser?
I have create a simple sample that uses your culture and run in FireFox, but I didn't find any issue.
Attached is the sample and screenshot.
Thank you.
i test your project ,there is no problem, but there is other problem .in your project you set this code
body.Style.Add("overflow", "hidden"),
when the page apper the scroll bar.when id click the head it show
when you test my project
one step you see 1.png
after you operate one step ,it will show like 2.png
then you click the head it will show like 3.png
my project use webgrid 7.0 and the browser is IE8
I've used a column action on the sample attached, but somehow I still coudn't replicate your issue on my end, even when I run WebGrid in FireFox, it still shows the normal behavior. What is the version of your FireFox browser?
Have you used the latest build version for WebGrid 7.0? You can update the build version using Update Manager.
However, I have attached the sample and I have removed code. Could you replicate the issue using my attached sample?
i hvae been update my webgrid . i test your project .there is no problem .but i change you code,i set two table in you code ,the page will apper the scroll bar. this is my code
<html><head runat="server"> <title>Untitled Page</title> <style> .style1 { width: 100%; height: 200px; border: solid 1px; } </style></head><body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%" > <tr> <td> <table class="style1"> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table class="style1"> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="WebGrid1" runat="server" DataSourceID="AccessDataSource1" Height="250px" UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="500px"> <layoutsettings culture="zh-CN" showcolumnaction="true"> <TextSettings Language="UseCulture"> </TextSettings> </layoutsettings> <roottable datakeyfield="CustomerID"> <Columns> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="CustomerID" DataMember="CustomerID" Name="CustomerID" Width="100px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="CompanyName" DataMember="CompanyName" Name="CompanyName" Width="100px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="ContactName" DataMember="ContactName" Name="ContactName" Width="100px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="ContactTitle" DataMember="ContactTitle" Name="ContactTitle" Width="100px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Address" DataMember="Address" Name="Address" Width="100px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="City" DataMember="City" Name="City" Width="100px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Region" DataMember="Region" Name="Region" Width="100px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="PostalCode" DataMember="PostalCode" Name="PostalCode" Width="100px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Country" DataMember="Country" Name="Country" Width="100px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Phone" DataMember="Phone" Name="Phone" Width="100px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Fax" DataMember="Fax" Name="Fax" Width="100px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> </Columns> </roottable> </ISWebGrid:WebGrid> </td> </tr> </table> <asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="~/App_Data/Northwind.mdb" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Customers]"></asp:AccessDataSource> </form></body></html>
when i click the head it will appear buy.I test in IE8 ,not in firefox.
Unfortunately, the issue doesn't happen on my end. I'm using the code that you have modified and run in IE8 browser, but I could n't get the issue that you encountered.
May I know what is the build version of your WebGrid control? Mine is 7.0.7200.419.
Attached is the screenshot.
thanks ,my webgrid version is 7.0.7200.419.
I'm using the same version as yours but the issue doesn't happen on my end.
Could you create a video recording on what you have done with the WebGrid, so that I can try to replicate the same issue here?
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