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while using this OceanAppleWebKit.browser (you can downloaded it)
in the folder App_Browsers
the webdesktop is not working completeley , the brioser will not render the control
please any sugession
We have not tested the compatibility of our product with other third party product.
We are willing to advise you further but in order to do so we would need you to elaborate on your specific scenario and possibly give us a step-by-step guide that we can use to observe the problematic behavior.
Dear Yudi
Thanks for replay
there is no specific scenario , just add the file to the App_Browsers folder , so the webdesktop will not work
if you remove it it will work
the bad news that realy I need it and have to attach this file, abd I do not know how to fix it or where is the error , it already took full day to know that is the issue
thanks in advance
in the OceanAppleWebKit.browser file
I chnage this line
<userAgent match="Chrome/(?'version'(?'major'\d+)(?'minor'\.\d+)\.\d+.\d+)\sSafari/\d+\.\d+" />
by this line
<userAgent match="Version/((?'version'(?'major'\d+)(?'minor'\.\d+.\d+)))|Version/((?'version'(?'major'\d+)(?'minor'\.\d+)))" />
Could you please kindly provide me with more detail information about where to get/download the file and how to apply/implement it into the test page?
here you can get it
for the sample webdesktop just create the folder App_Browsers
and put that file
so the control will not work
or send me email and I will send u complete project
Thank you for the detail information.
Should I found any problem to configure the sample, I’ll let you know.
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