WebMenuBar not expanding items when going between menu commands with and without children.

2 replies. Last post: February 2, 2010 2:55 AM by Glenn Layaar
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I have a WebMenuBar with several MenuCommands.  Some Menu Commands have sub items, and some do not.  My expectation is that once I click on one of the MenuCommands and as long as I keep hovering over the WebMenuBar, the MenuCommans with sub items will expand their submenus if they have any child items.  However, as soon as I hover over a MenuCommand witout any sub items, none of the MenuCommands with subitems will expand until I click on them.

You can see what I mean in the attached example.  This is a modified file from the Live Examples.  Please note that the item "GO" does not have any sub items, and as soon as you hover over it, all the other MenuCommands stop showing their sub menus.

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