WebMenuBar OnMouseOut Event Does Not Fire For Child Menu

5 replies. Last post: June 7, 2011 9:52 AM by A Yousif
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A YousifMember

Our implementation of the WebMenuBar automatically pulls down any menus that have children (like Menu1 in the attached sample).  We want to then close/hide the menu when the user moves the mouse out, however, the OnMouseOut only fires on the top level items and only when no child menu is pulled down.  You can see this in the attached sample.

There's also a bug that still exists which I reported quite a while ago.  The JavaScript line below is a workaround that we use that I've included in the sample:

cmd.Menu.OffsetElement = cmd._HtmlObj;

Without this line, when you refresh the page and move over Menu1, you'll note that the child menu appears relative to the browser's content window and not in relation to the position of the parent menu.  Just comment this line out to see the behavior.

Do you have any suggestions for how we can hide/close the child menu automatically when the mouse leaves the menu?  Thank you.

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