WebGrid Chinese Sorting Issue

16 replies. Last post: July 27, 2011 10:41 PM by Martin Lie
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xu guochunMember


We are running a website on Windows 7 Server with China Chinese (zh-CN) culture and having a strange problem while sorting Grid Columns, the details of the problem are as follows,
We are using a grid with Classic Paging and Custom Paging Load.

<LayoutSettings PagingMode="ClassicPaging" PagingLoadMode="Custom" PagingSize="20"  AllowSorting="Yes">

ISDataSource having our own sorting method "GetData"

<ISDataSource:ISDataSource ID="ISDataSource1" runat="server" SchemaType="CustomObject">
	<ISDataSource:ISDataSourceTable SelectMethod="GetData" EnablePaging="true"
	    SelectCountMethod="GetCount" TableName="Messages_Center" TypeName="WebApplication1.App_Code.Messages_Center">

We are experiencing the following behaviour :
 When I sort the "StepName" column(contains Simplified Chinese) from A to Z we get the correct value of each page ( see the attach picture) througth "GetData" method.But each page show the value only containing Simplified Chinese incorrectly(see the attach picture).

Do you have any idea on what is causing this behaviour ?We need to fix this soon, kindly help





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