WebCombo4 entered text is disappearing on AddItem

9 replies. Last post: December 1, 2009 1:19 AM by Handy Surya
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Ethan WatersMember



I am using your WebCombo4 in a project, I keep running into a problem where although I have the AllowAddItem="true"property set, I am unable to enter text not already in the bound list.

To help troubleshoot this I created a small test project with only a single WebCombo and ASP button.

I set some values in the InitializeDataSource of the Combo.

When I run it and enter text into my combo box and click sumbit, when the page_load is hit during the postback the webcombo still contains my entered text, but by the time it gets to the click event of the button my text value is empty.


I don't know why this is happening or how to get around it but it didn't happen in Webcombo2.  This sample contains no additional code, so I don't know what could be causing that text to disappear.

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