Web Combo 2.0

1 reply. Last post: June 1, 2014 9:24 PM by Yudi
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Joe BoothMember

I have an old application I've inherited and it makes heavy use of WebCombo 2.0    Although I would like to upgrade to a new version, I need to work through company channels to get that done.   In the interim, I am ttrying to find out how to get certain properties (i.e. TotalRows, TotalRetrievedRows, Latency, etc.) from the web combo object.   The code in Webcombo_nn.js looks for an object called <name>_Props, but that fails with undefined.  This command

var combo = wcGetComboById(name);

Returns an undefined combo variable.

Does anyone have any insight as to how I can retrieve those properties?










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