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Cyle Witruk Member

Oops! I noticed I accidently put in the title "When DisplayStatusBar=Yes' - can you please change that to DisplayStatusBar="No"?

Okay, thanks for checking on that for me.


In the mean-time, for anyone else who is interested in similar functionality, I've managed to get around this using a combination of the following concepts.  I have no idea if it was the best or most efficient way, but it works and doesn't seem to cause any performance issues ;-)


DataContextProxy - For being able to access my ViewModel (as DataContext, which I only want to be instantiated once) from within a DataTemplate.  The problem you run into is not being able to access the DataContext by key.  This post offers a solution to that problem.


DataTemplateSelector - For defining the different cell templates (under DataPresenterTextColumn.CellTemplate).


Behaviors - Allows you to capture events from UIElements (e.g. elements within the Cell, f.ex. your DataTemplateSelector implementation).  You can, for example, switch the ContentTemplate of the DataTemplateSelector when a MouseLeftButtonDown event occurs.




Posted: September 22, 2010 6:20 AM

That did it :-)  Thanks!

I've actually done some more playing around with this and it seems to work quite well with GridPresenter and UXComboBox.  However, I'm not seeing a way to define a separate template for edit-mode vs. display mode.  Is there a way to set a ContentSelector on the DataPresenterTextColumn, or is there a different way to go about this?  Only other thing I can think of would be to use a UXItemsControl and set the ItemTemplateSelector there?




Posted: September 18, 2010 7:31 AM

Sorry, I should have included that :)  It's a Silverlight 4 application.



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