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Silaja Tanneru Member


Thank you for the quick response.

I have seen sample you provided. I am able to reproduce same issue in your sample.

Attached are screen shots from your sample code.

If you have more rows you can see it more clearly. In my webgrid we are using 100 columns. so when youare trying to edit some 40th column you can see the difference.

the third snap shot is from my webgrid in that you can see the more difference.

I also found one more thing, if i use the below line then grid row is not moving to left.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >

But in my Application we are using below line...

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">....

so i have changed above line with

 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">...

now grid is working but some other features in my application(like bing map) are not working properly.

can you suggest something to solve this issue.

can you please help me out on this. This is very importent for my clients. They got confused aboutwhich value is for which column.

Posted: June 7, 2016 4:53 PM

Hi Yudi,

I am using the below code to change status bar text, its working fine.

var comboStatusId = "ctl00_MainContent_" + comboId + "_spstatus";

var status = document.getElementById(comboStatusId).innerText;

if (status == "Ready.")

document.getElementById(comboStatusId).innerText = "Loading...";

Thank you for your response.

Issue while editing WebGrid...

I have one more issue while editing first row of webgrid the row is moving to left.

attached are snap shots of editing first row and second row.

while editing first row its moving to left. while editing second row everything is currect.

Can you please me out on this.

Posted: June 6, 2016 3:16 PM

The Above code is not working. If i use WC40Engine.SetStatus(wc1, "Loading..."); in drop down funtion it gives the following error.

{if(!d.LayoutSettings.StatusBoxVisible){return}if(d.ResultBox){var b=d.ResultBox.document.getElementById(d.Name+"_spstatus");b.innerText=a}},

ERROR: Unable to get property 'StatusBoxVisible' of undefined or null reference

Posted: May 18, 2016 2:55 PM

Hi Yudi,

Thank you for quick response.

I have used sample what you sent. It displays "OnShowDropDown invoked" two times when i click on the

dropdown arrow.

can you suggest any idea to invoke onshowdropdown event only one time.

One more question about onshowdropdown event: I am binding dropdown in OnShowDropDown client side event using ajax call. The Problem is lazy binding.

Can you suggest me any thing about this to fasten the binding. It is taking more time to bind the data.

Thank you in advvance

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