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Luis Damas Member
Posted: June 1, 2015 11:13 AM

I have applyed the hot fix but all things remain the same.

You can see the picture.

Posted: June 1, 2015 10:35 AM
The link has na extra space. The correct entry is
Posted: May 31, 2015 11:11 AM
This attachment only have ISNET.webUI.* componentes (not webgrid).
Not any ISNET.webGrid.WebGrid.* components

I'm also getting this behavior on all pages with the webgrid control that are opened with Google Chrome.

Even this page on forum is afected by this issue, not one, but several times.

With this issue the pages takes a lot of time to load (>1min) and prevents other controls from loading.

Posted: November 17, 2013 1:18 AM

Here is the image...

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