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Michael Rattigan Member
Posted: May 30, 2011 9:29 PM

That's good to hear, thanks.

Regarding the issue in my sample, are you sure it was tested with the WebGrid files/same version that I included? We can reproduce this error on each of our machines that we've tested.

Thanks, Michael.

Posted: May 26, 2011 7:53 PM

Were you able to reproduce the error when using the Webgrid 6 files I included? I noticed you are using the latest version in the video.

I'm assuming this error has been fixed in the latest version, but would like to confirm this is the case and not just a problem on our end.

Also, is there any news on the display issue?


Posted: May 23, 2011 6:39 PM

I've attached another sample.

The postback should take a couple of seconds this time, and you should see that when you click a button normally it will error, but when you hold it down for the duration it will work.


Posted: May 22, 2011 8:40 PM

I've attached a sample that replicates our issue.

The problem is very strange, it appears that when clicking a button or link within a webgrid, if the mouse is NOT still held down when the postback finishes, the error is thrown - but otherwise it works.

This is difficult but possible to see in the sample, as I have tried to simplify it but this makes the postback rather fast - hopefully I've made sense.

Once again, this only seems to be happening in Safari browsers.

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