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Peter Jones Member
of 6

Hi Martin,


Another month has passed with still no fix or update.

this is not acceptable.





Hi Martin


It is over 3 weeks since you forwarded this to the developers?

what is going on?

when can i expect a fix to this problem you latet build 431 has created?


It seems impossible to get a working copy of the webgrid that is not full on bugs that break previous functionality.





Hi Martin,

setting the autoheight = true will only fix the test scenario which is an example of  the functionality on some of our simpler pages.


a core page has many controls including 3 webgrid controls.

containing contacts, documents, invoices

we cannot deploy the current fix due to the height problem.

what would setting autoheight = true do in these scenarios. probably create a mess.

especially as the number of rows of data on these grid can commonly vary from 0 or a few to a several hundred  depending on an account.

The height issue only came in during this build as far as i can tell so should not be difficult to find.


please keep chasing.






Are we likely so see a fix for this this week?





Hi Martin,

Yes that is exactly what i am seeing.

If you press refresh the full list will be displayed. (whch is what should happen on load)

Can you let the dev team know this is a high priority for us.

I raised an issue in march, 5 months ago to fix a problem with the grid vanishing at certain window sizes when  autofitcolumns="true"

and although this had been "fixed" i have not yet had a viable version of the product that has not introduced  other regression bugs into the system that i can deploy.

At the moment the management here have no confidence in your product. Partly due to the bugs and partly due to the lack of a fixes to the issues we have raised. 

We were going to look using the charting functionality but the lack of a stable product and the incredible amount of pain we have to go through to get a fix has scared us off big time.




Hi Martin,

what is the current status of this issue.





hi martin,

 try removing the autoheight = "true" property and you will hopefully see what i am seeing.

this appears to so the same as height="100%"

i.e the grid is filling the screen. this is not acceptable when there are on 2 rows of data and multiple controls on the screen.

please let me know if this is enough information for this to be pushed forward for a fix.


yes the slow script problem does not seem to occur  now with

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >



but the height formatting is screwed. so not something a can deploy.


i have stripped my layout settings back to (see below) with styles commented out


   <layoutsettings   AutoFitColumns="true" 
						<%--<headerstyle gradienttype="Vertical" borderwidth="1px" font-size="10px" font-names="Verdana"
							font-bold="True" backcolor2="204, 204, 255" borderstyle="None" forecolor="Black" backcolor="#9999CC"
							 BorderSettings-Bottom-Style="Solid" BorderSettings-Top-Style="Solid" BorderSettings-Right-Style="Solid" >
							<padding bottom="3px" top="3px"></padding>
								<bottom  color="153, 153, 204"></bottom>
								<top  color="153, 153, 204"></top>
								<right color="153, 153, 204"></right>
						<framestyle borderwidth="1px" borderstyle="None"  BorderSettings-Bottom-Style="Solid">
								<bottom  color="153, 153, 204"></bottom>
						<groupbybox connectorlinestyle="Solid" connectorlinecolor="White" contextmenu="False"></groupbybox>
						<edittextboxstyle verticalalign="Top" borderwidth="1px" font-size="10px" font-names="Verdana" bordercolor="#CCCCFF"
							borderstyle="Solid" height="19px"></edittextboxstyle>
						<newrowstyle font-size="10px" font-names="Verdana" forecolor="DarkGray" backcolor="Lavender"
						<focuscellstyle borderstyle="Solid" borderwidth="1px" bordercolor="Navy"></focuscellstyle>
						<rowstyle font-size="10px" font-names="Verdana" forecolor="#404040" backcolor="White" wrap="False"
							customrules="text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow-x: hidden"></rowstyle>
						<grouprowinfostyle font-size="12px" font-names="Verdana" font-bold="True" forecolor="#006699" height="25px"  BorderSettings-Bottom-Style="Solid">
								<bottom width="2px" color="153, 153, 204"></bottom>
						<selectedrowstyle forecolor="White" backcolor="LightSteelBlue"></selectedrowstyle>
						<footerstyle font-bold="True" forecolor="Navy" backcolor="White" height="22px"></footerstyle>
						<statusbarstyle borderwidth="1px" font-size="8pt" font-names="Verdana" bordercolor="#9999CC" borderstyle="Solid"
							forecolor="Black" backcolor="White" customrules="border-bottom-width: 0px">
							<padding bottom="2px"></padding>




Hi Martin,

the property causing the problem with the height is

AutoFitColumns="true"     again!

This was fine in the past.  yet another regression bug.


can you confirm this is being looked at by the developers




Hi Martin,

I have had a look and the slow running script issue does not occur with

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >

however as i state in my post of July 21, 2011 4:48 AM  in this thread.

the height is default so you can only see the 1st couple of rows.

it should show all the rows with no scrollbars.

you are not seeing this because you have the height set to 100%.

I have removed all the style settings.


This is not an exceptable solution has be have multiple grids on a page that whose height will depend on the data displayed.

This is a bug please see that it is fixed asap.

note if  I group and the upgroup all the rows are displayed as expected.


The data displays correctly if i set  doctype

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" > <html xmlns="">

However this does cause the slow running script issue.


I look forward to hearing from you soon









Hi Martin,

your  video does not convince me as it does not check the issues i am having.

please check the following.

in html

1) change from top 500 to top 2000 in the selection

2) remove height = "100%" property - then you will see the default height problem


user actions

1) group by region

2) expand region (none)   - slow running script error

3) ungroup region


Note your statement about doctype is confusing should it use


1)  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >

or 2)

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html xmlns="">


I will check again with the latest release but i do not hold out much hope as your test does not address the issues.

e.g a group of 4 rows is not very much data.

please check again on your end while i am doing this to save time.

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