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Pierre Belanger Member
of 3

Hi Handy,

Since we need this feature, we use a previous version of wegrid (december 2009). 

That versions has other bugs but the focus is needed to avoid loosing data.

We will be glad when this issue is fixed.


I am still waiting for the problem to be fixed.

Posted: September 15, 2010 9:01 AM

Hi Yudi,

Because of a bug in all Webgrid7 since build 304 (see ticket Webgrid state reverts to Unchanged after clicking on Status bar or Scroll bar) I did not upgrade to the latest build.

I did try the buidl 404 of WebGrid7 and it does fix thei ispct issue.

But until the other issue is solved (which can result in data being lost), I must remain with this old version.

Hope the next build will include the fix. Thanks

Posted: September 13, 2010 4:07 PM

I did further testing using the following sample code from Intersoft WebUI Studio 2009 R1\Samples\For ASP.NET\ISNet.WebUI.Samples\vb\WebGrid\BasicInteractions.aspx

Both web.config are identical.


The ony differances I can see in the environment are: compute is Windows XP with IIS 5.1 while the server is Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6.0

The problem is the percent symbol "%" is transformed to "$ispct;"  in all fields defined has string.

I do not have this problem when I run locally.

What could be differant on the Server to cause this problem.

The function EncodePlus in ISCoje.js is called to transfort the "%" into "%ispct"

In what cases is this function called?





Hi Handy,

YES! That is the problem. After editing a cell and clicking on the scrollbar, the focus is lost.

This problem was not there with the december Webgrid dll.

I will be glad when this issue is fixed since we had to replace the latest dll with the december  version.

Because our clients use the scrollbar intensively, we had reports of data being lost because of this issue.

Thanks and hope for a fast resolution!


I found were the change comes from.

The WEbUi common library file ISCoje.js has the following function:

EncodePlus: function(v3551) { var vbf262 =v04d18; var v21751 =new RegExp("<","g"); var v23637 =new RegExp("<","g"); var v3a226 =new RegExp("&","g"); var va7d13 =new RegExp("On","g"); var v5e88 =new RegExp("%","g"); vbf262 =vbf262.replace(v21751,"\03"); vbf262 =vbf262.replace(v23637,"\04"); vbf262 =vbf262.replace(v3a226,"\05"); vbf262 =vbf262.replace(va7d13,"\02"); vbf262 =vbf262.replace(v5e88,"$ispct;"); return vbf262; }
It will also replace  < by <.
What does this function do exactly? 
And how can I avoid having my strings fields modified by it?

Hi Handy,

I managed to create an example to illustrate the problem.

I modifed the sample code BasicInteractions.aspx I took from Intersoft WebUI Studio 2009 R1.

I modified to code so the grid is enclosed in a table.

I modify an existing line in the grid and  then click on the grid horizontal scrollbar

After doing that, the RowLostFocusAction and ClientSideEvents OnRowValidate event do not work correctly.

These event will not be called when I click below or above the grid.

For example, if i click on the yellow area below the grid, I should get a popup saying: The selected row has been edited.

This worked fine using a previous webgrid.dll (December 2009).

I tried all recent version, I get the same error.

Can you provide a solution or a fix.



Hi Andi,

Your solution is not acceptable for our client. They want to see as many rows as possible and by setting a default height they will see less rows.

Once a row is selected, moving the slide should not make the selected row disappear. It should not move off the screen. How can we make the selected line remain visible and still use the freeze.


Thank you



Hi Andi,

Your solution is not acceptable for our client. They want to see as many rows as possible and by setting a default height they will see less rows.


Hi Julia,

The problem occurs when the colomn height is big.

In the case attached, I was even able to move it way up the screen.

Since we have added filters on the menu, it is impossible to know if we are selecting a value or a filter.

I also enclosed the aspx file.


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