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Mike Dearman Member
of 3

I did some more testing.  This appears to happen anytime I use the UpdateUI and RefreshAll client-side functions.  This shift occurred even without grouping.

I filtered a column, and then later cleared the FilteredColumns collection, then called UpdateUI/RefreshAll, and the shift started again.   I can filter and unfilter using the filterrow built in functionality all I want, but the second I use the UpdateUI stuff, it starts shifting.

Any other ideas?  Thanks!


I have this same problem.

I ended up having to stop the user from exporting this many records to the grid's built-in export formats and try to directly read the DataView of the DataSet and manually export to a format like CSV (streaming to disk).

I would love a long-term solution to exporting to Excel.  Although I'm not sure Excel can handle more than 65K rows?


Thanks Andi.

However, my page uses the following doctype:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">


When I remove that doctype, it still shifts the editbox.


I can reproduce it now - the filter row has to be shown with CellSelect mode on too.

With e.Layout

.AllowFilter = Filter.Yes

.AutoFilterSuggestion =
True .AllowContextMenu = True .FilterBarVisible = True

.CellClickAction = CellClick.CellSelect

End With


I have attached the sample ASPX page (it belongs in C:\Program Files\Intersoft Solutions\Intersoft WebUI Studio 2009 R1\Samples\For ASP.NET\ISNet.WebUI.Samples\vb\WebGrid

I also included in the zip file the recording of the error.  FYI - the video first includes a demonstration of another issue I brought up in the forums about SelectedObject on serverside so I can post there too, but the 2nd part is the JS error.

Thank you.  I right-clicked on the GroupHeader row, not the GroupByBox element.  However, I also couldn't reproduce it with that sample.  I will try to figure how which other setting is needed to replicate, then post the sample.

Thank you - how would you like me to submit this as a feature request?  TDN?


I wouldn't see why OnCellSelect wouldn't be an appropriate event, as you can check selectedobject to see what type it is, but if it'll cause conflict with existing apps, I can deal with another set of events.  I just need something that will fire consistently regardless of how the cell got focus (keyboard, mouse, click, etc).

Thank you - I have that much in place.

But with CellClickAction=CellSelect, the user can arrow left/right to different CELLS within the row.  I need to know which cell is focused on/selected, not just that the NewRow is selected as a whole.

I would have expected the OnCellSelect to fire in this case, but it doesn't seem to fire for either NewRow or FilterRow.


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