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WebGrid1.SetHeight(WebGrid1.HtmlObj.parentElement.clientHeight - (document.documentElement.scrollHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight) - buffer);
I don't think it is possible for them to fix the problem at all as there is NO problem with Intersoft WebGrid. The problem is that in XHTML specification they changed how the elements work.
The webgrid fills it's container element height fine, the problem is in XHTML there is no way of making a container element fit 100% of the height page, this is how it is designed. A web page is meant to be conitnuosly flowing length and not be a set height like a page. In HTML DOCTYPE this si still possible though.
I see the only solution as maybe using javascript compatible with all relevent browsers to resive the container div on page load and resize to fit teh extent of teh "Window" size of browser, taking into account scrollbar etc. Then you call wgDoResize() event on webgrid to make it refit it's container. As far as I see it if wgDoresize can be called at anytime after page is loaded and the webgird resizes to fit it's container then it is wokring correctly. Put a big red border on the container element if you want proof, whether teh container is a div, a table or teh page body element.
Just to prove to you Questica support that the problem is XHTML not Intersoft the two most widely used web applications i can think off that have full screen view; Gooogle Gmail and Microsoft Outlook Webmail both use HTML doctype instead of XHTML, hence why they have full screen view in all browsers!
Use HTML doctype or use some javascript to resize the containers manually ann stop hassling Intersoft support for a porblem they have already proved to you is not their fault.
I've also had similar problems and have given up on XHTML doctype for IE versions prior to 8. I think mainly when I have colum autosizing on or if using the grid refresh funciton things don;t line-up or fit properly.
If I detect browser is IE and version 7 or less I change doctype to
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
then it renders ok in IE 5.5, 6 or 7.
It's not ideal as this will cause rendering differences if you use float and css auto margins in places.
my pages all inherit this class:
Public Class TemplatePage
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Sub Page_PreInit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
Handles Me.PreInit
If Request.Browser.Browser = "IE" Then
If Convert.ToDecimal(Request.Browser.Version) < 8.0 Then
Me.MasterPageFile = "~/Site_html4.0.master"
End If
End Sub
End Class
You can get the row values in the javascript function without passing as arguments. Here is an example that uses only one bound value, and looks up teh row key value. You could also retreive the BeiZhu value from selObj.GetRowObject() object in javascript too, inspect the object at runtime to see how.
function deleteOnePW(BeiZhu){
var grid = ISGetObject("GridHandle");
var selObj = grid.GetSelectedObject();
if (selObj != null) {
document.getElementById("<%= TxtPingWei.ClientID %>").value = selObj.GetRowObject().KeyValue;
document.getElementById("<%= TxtBeiZhu.ClientID %>").value = BeiZhu;
document.getElementById("<%= DelDangQian.ClientID %>").click();
thanks martin,
very undescription exception attached.
i actually have build 7.0.7200.419 , im not sure where i read build 403?
I can't get build 430 via update manager, maybe it's not released yet.
I'll try and work without the designer till then, if still no luck maybe i may need to re-install vs2010 and webui studio at some point
Thanks for investigating that. The sample applications include a master page with XHTML doctype, i changed the multiplecolumns.aspx page to use that one and hence it's doctype but that one does not work in IE8 either.
Can you please tell me what exact doctype I need to use to get that sample to work in Internet Explorer 8, thankyou.
Thanks Handy,
Though I may have muddied the waters by mentioning identity. The problem is not with identity insert but rather with vioalting a unique or primary key constraint, for example if you have a unique constraint on some kind of name column and a user tried to insert a duplicate. This will cause the db constraint violation exception to flow to the user, the only way of stopping it is to wright your own Insert method and explicity catch the exception and throw your own message instead.
I had auto Incrementing ID fields so I had to write custom insert methods anyway that retreive the Identity values. I simply caught the sql exception there and checked if it was a unique key constraint violation and if it was i threw a new exception with a more generic and user firendly message.
yes, sorry I did mean multipleColumns.aspx
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