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Johnny Leyva Member
of 4
Posted: January 4, 2011 9:42 AM

now I get this error

Posted: January 3, 2011 12:20 PM

i send you a example,this is after downloading updates

I tested this little test and does not work

Posted: December 23, 2010 4:49 PM

i usign your "license manager" but equals

I still have the same problem

i have all license valid, but is equals, Why?!!!!

we can not start the project this big problem, I need to fix it as soon as possible

Niven p. fix it before sending me a dll, you could comment on this topic


please help me

in the article Rich Features in Low Client Footprint says

put the key below in your web.config 

<add key="ISNet.WebUI.ISRes_Compressed" value="true" />

but no results

i'm  using Intersoft WebUI Studio 2009 R1 SP1, this is a problem.

Posted: October 27, 2010 10:10 AM

It's a good request, but only a update in this line

var wcSelcel = wcSelrow.cells[3];
var wcSelText = wcSelcel.innerText;


thanks Niven

Posted: October 6, 2010 12:00 PM

when you hit the tab key in wiFEmision the focus is set txtMontoNeto


ISWebInput:WebInput ID="wiFEmision" runat="server" BackColor="WhiteSmoke" MaxDate="12/31/9998 23:59:59" MinDate="1753-01-01" Width="80px"  > <EditFormat><ErrorWindowInfo IsEnabled="False"></ErrorWindowInfo></EditFormat> <DateTimeEditor AccessKey="Space" IsEnabled="True"></DateTimeEditor> <CultureInfo CultureName="es-PE"></CultureInfo> <DisplayFormat Format="dd/MM/yyyy" IsEnabled="True"></DisplayFormat>



<ISWebInput:WebInput ID="wiFRecepcion" runat="server" BackColor="WhiteSmoke" MaxDate="12/31/9998 23:59:59" MinDate="1753-01-01" Width="80px"> <EditFormat><ErrorWindowInfo IsEnabled="False"> </ErrorWindowInfo></EditFormat> <DateTimeEditor AccessKey="Space" IsEnabled="True"></DateTimeEditor> <CultureInfo CultureName="es-PE"></CultureInfo> <DisplayFormat Format="dd/MM/yyyy" IsEnabled="True"></DisplayFormat>



<asp:TextBox ID="txtMontoNeto" runat="server" Width="68px" Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Size="8pt" style="text-align: right">0</asp:TextBox>


-- functions javascript --

function OnKeyDown99() { if (event.keyCode == 9)

  { var objeto = ISGetObject("wiFRecepcion");



var objeto = ISGetObject("wiFRecepcion");





  return false; } return false;


function window::onload()


var wiFEmision = document.getElementById("ctl00_Contentplaceholder1_wiFEmision");Listener.Add(wiFEmision, "onkeydown", OnKeyDown99);return true;


Posted: October 5, 2010 5:47 PM

the previous example served me well, but not from webinput. Send the example for  WebInput. The alert works with all the keys except the tab key, I send a sample in pictures


<ISWebInput:WebInput ID="wiFEmision" runat="server" BackColor="WhiteSmoke" MaxDate="12/31/9998 23:59:59" MinDate="1753-01-01" Width="80px"> <ClientSideEvents OnKeyDown="WebInput_OnKeyDown" ></ClientSideEvents> <EditFormat><ErrorWindowInfo IsEnabled="False"></ErrorWindowInfo></EditFormat> <DateTimeEditor AccessKey="Space" IsEnabled="True"></DateTimeEditor> <CultureInfo CultureName="es-PE"></CultureInfo> <DisplayFormat Format="dd/MM/yyyy" IsEnabled="True"></DisplayFormat> </ISWebInput:WebInput>


-- function javascript -------

function WebInput_OnKeyDown()

{ alert(event.keyCode); }

Posted: August 18, 2010 11:34 AM

hi good day, i recived the registry, but i have a problem only with the license of webGrid intersoft look the picture "trial version.jpg".


the problem is only with the webGrid.

Posted: August 12, 2010 12:42 PM

hi good day. I still do not get the mail may firewaal

My firewaal delete the files with extension .Reg; please send me the registry with extension .doc



Posted: August 11, 2010 9:29 AM

sorry my e-mail it's please send the registry again

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