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Posted: June 7, 2010 7:36 AM

thanks for the reply,

in the server side i can able to activate webnotification using the line of code

WebNotification1.Notify("This notification is sent from Page_Load. Check it out!",
"", "Vista Style Notification");

but want to do this from client side using javascript. the below code not working for me

 var webnoti= ISGetObject("WebNotification1");
webnoti.Notify("This notification is sent from button click. Check it out!","", "Vista Style Notification");

Posted: June 2, 2010 1:26 AM

sorry for the mis understanding made on the question.

i know it is not possible to use HyperLinkFormatString property to asp button control.

by the above line of code i mean, i want to access the property of control used inside the template column type.

<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="View Details" ColumnType="Template" DataMember="L_ID"
Name="WebGridColumn11" Width="110px">
<asp:ImageButton ID="btndet" CssClass="example7" runat="server" Text="View Details" ImageUrl="~/Images/vdetails.png" />



Here how can i assign CssClass property from the backend exactly as i did it for HyperlinkFormatString property of hyperlink control.

thank you very much.

great help, exactly what i want....


Posted: May 18, 2010 1:13 AM

thank you for your reply.

the problem was same as you mentioned. I have used key for WebDesktop 2.5 . I gor new key from developer network.

thanks and regards


Posted: April 15, 2010 2:05 AM

thanx for the reply,

i have tried with your solution , i am getting the error as in the below given image.

Also i am getting the same error, while  trying your WebFileUploader Example.

I am using Visual studio 2005 as a development environment. is it working on vs 2005.

thanx and regards


Posted: February 14, 2010 6:17 AM

thanks for your reply,

can you please send me the sample page you create ......

thanks and regards


Posted: December 14, 2009 8:27 AM

thank you very much,

let me know, how can i apply this hot fix.

i tried by copying the files in the both bin directory to my projects bin directory. But i am getting error.

thanks and regards


Posted: December 7, 2009 8:26 AM

hi Surya,

thank you for your information.

please let me know the approximate time that have to wait for  fixing the issues...

thank you


Posted: November 30, 2009 6:27 AM


thank you for reply...

is it a bug??

is it possible to get any hotfix for this problem.  Should i wait until the next release??

Posted: November 29, 2009 12:37 AM


My versions are 

ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.dll version is 306

Intersoft.SampleFramework.V2009.dll is 1.0

ISNet.WebUI.Resources.dll is 705

Where can i get the latest asseblies. 

Here i am attaching your example file from which i got error. please check the same file in your system and let me know are you getting any error. 

I worked by keeping this files with the default example folder of webgrid on the installed path.

thanking you


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