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Frank Gary Member
of 6
Posted: January 25, 2012 10:50 AM

Hi Yudi,

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately your suggestions did not work and I am still getting the error.

One question: is the value="number" supposed to be a number? I tried it several ways including value="number", value="524288" and value="999999999" to no avail. I also have another json reference in my webconfig as follows:

        <authenticationService enabled="true" />
        <jsonSerialization maxJsonLength="524288" />

However I tried your snippet with and without the other json reference and no success.

I am also assuming your snippet should be placed in the same add key reference section as the other intersoft references?

Please advise and thanks - Frank


Posted: August 5, 2011 1:31 PM


I was able to get this to work with a dropdown list following this post:

However, I would like to know if I can use a checkbox list instead so my users can pick more than one company to show resources for. I have spent all night trying to get this to work. In my checkbox list with same parameters as the dropdown list I select mutiple companies, however the resources only show for the first company selected. For example my check box list is like:





If user checks Company2 and Company4, only Company2 resources show.

I have setup 6 or so (ID=?), (ID =?), OR (ID=?) OR (ID=?) etc, parameters and defined them in the ISDatasource, and they do display in my checkbox list. However only one "company" resources at a time will display.

Is this even possible to do? I am using a bound control rather than a session and perhaps that is where I am lost.

Thank you....




Posted: August 4, 2011 2:43 PM

Hi Yudi,

Thanks for your reply. Can you tell me how your internal processes work in regards to issues like this that have been "forwarded to the webscheduler development team"? Is this a long process or what happens from here?

It seems very strange to me that the resource color would be used rather than the category color since the resource colors are displayed in the bottom left of the timeline view, as well as having the resource name in the header of the horizontal cell.

I am desparate and hopeful for a resolution on this.



Posted: August 4, 2011 2:39 PM


Please disregard my last post. I was able to get this to work.


Posted: August 4, 2011 11:48 AM

Hi Riendy,

Thank you for your prompt reply. It is greatly appreciated.

I think I somewhat understand the concept, but in looking at Handy's examples I am not sure we are talking about the same thing. It appears in that scenario they are somehow using the logged in users session to load the desired resources on the webscheduler.

I am trying to do this through a dropdown. I think the online carrental example is a closer fit:

Here you have a "Car Availabilty" where you select the car from a dropdown list similar to what I need. Instead of cars in a dropdown list I have company names in a dropdown list. When the user selects the company name from the dropdown list I only want to show the resources with that companyid.

I my company database I have 8 companies with companyID 1 through 8. In my resources table there is a field also with companyid on each resource also. My resources table looks something like

ID   Resource         CompanyID

1     Resource1       3

2     Resource2       4

3     Resource3       5

4     Resource4       6

5     Resource5       3

So if user selects company 3 from dropdown only resource1 and resource5 should display.

Is this possible?

I guess where I am lost is I am not sure how to "connect/bind" the companyid in the company dropdown to the companyid in the resources table with a "where" clause in the isdatesource resources table.

In resources table It would have to be something like:

where resources.companyid = companydropdown.companyid but this is not a valid sql where statement so that is where I am lost.




Posted: July 29, 2011 6:02 AM

Hi Yudi,

Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

Unfortunately your suggestion did not work. When switching the "ResourceColor" to the "Category Color", my color bars in timeline view simply appear as a "ghost white" with no color at all. Also, my resource list on the far left below the calenders all turn to a default black color.

I have attached a screenshot image to illustrate the effects.

Please advise......





Posted: June 9, 2011 3:56 PM



Thank you for your prompt reply. I am uncertain what exactly you want. Please define exactly what "simple working sample" means. One page with a database?

Also, how should I provide it, via email or attach to a post?



Posted: June 8, 2011 9:16 AM

Martin, let me rephrase the issue.

I am referring to the dropdown options to the immediate right of the timeline button on the menu bar with the two "v" symbols that loads the "refresh view", "split view mode", "print", "export view", "pdf", "ical" options.

When I click the menu option with the two v symbols nothing happens, it is dead. I have tried it in chrome and safari and it works, however in IE9 it is simply "dead", nothing happens. I assumed that this was referred to as the context menu.

Please advise and thanks.


Posted: June 7, 2011 11:05 AM

Thank you Martin!

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