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Memo Can Member

Hi Handy,

I understood you. It is good, but it is not solution of my problem.

I solved it different way.

Thanks again..

Thanks Yudi,

this code is not a solution of my problem.

I want to understand the user clicked "All" or individual row checkbox.

first time I understand "All" with the selectedObject is null, but when user select a row and then click "All", I cant understand user clicked "All" or any row checkbox. Because selectedObject is not null, but user not clicked this selected objects row.

Thanks again.

Posted: October 20, 2009 4:32 AM

Thanks Handy,

I achive with your code


Thanks again.

Posted: September 16, 2009 4:16 AM

Thanks  Handy. It solves my problem.

Best regards..



James, Enterprise 6.0

First of all thanks James,

I dont have same result. It trims.

I realize When I enter  grid filter box  "INTERSOFT          SOLUTIONS"

and  enter or click apply query filter, It trims my text like "INTERSOFT SOLUTIONS" , after that send server, so I get trimmed text :(



Hi Gordon,

Thanks first of all,

But WebGridColumn dont have "TreadMarkupAsLiteralText" property, Where can I set this property  server side or client side? Can you give me example code.

Thanks Michael,

But I dont want to remove or hide context menu items.

I want to hide some FilterTypes in Filter Menu that opened after clicking Filter Icon.

I attached it is screenshot.

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