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Raja Rama Member
of 2
Posted: March 3, 2011 10:28 AM

I am having the same issue, after installing latest patch. 

Is there a fix for this?

Posted: November 5, 2009 10:27 AM

Hi Handy,

May be i was not clear in my original post, but what i wanted is, to open the web dialog automatically while the page is still loading and close the dialog once the page load completes.


Can you tell me how to do this. This is to prevent user clicking on the page or doing stuff while the page is still loading.



Posted: November 4, 2009 10:02 AM

We are using web gird build 6.0.7200.216. I can still reproduce this. As I said, when the page loads all row cells are aligned to "Top" but modify a row and see that row becomes "center" aligned suddenly.




Posted: September 23, 2009 9:14 AM

Thanks for thte link to KB article. But I still do not understand why can't you guys write some kind of batch file to do the steps explained in the article. It will not take more then 30 mins to write. If you write it post it to this thread, otherwise i will write one during this weekend.


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