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Adam Davis Member
Posted: April 7, 2011 9:49 AM


Posted: April 6, 2011 9:34 AM

For your information, I already tried and test the suggestion, to remove the AutoHeight property, before post the respond of this thread.

After further investigation, I was able to reproduce the issue on IE 7 browser. Previously, the problem was tested under IE 8 browser and no problem was found.

Please kindly let us know the browser version that you use when test the problem.

I did, I said ALL IE versions. IE6,IE7 and IE8 (compat mode)  but lets use IE7, you say you can reproduce it, so now what? Is it a bug is there a workaround? I was reproducing on IE8.

Posted: April 5, 2011 11:55 AM


The Auto Height is only working if you are working with floating layout.

If you have a Style ex: top 10px and left 100 the webgrid auto height will go 10px down under the screen.

A solution to this problem is to make a surounding div which you set height in % this wont fill the whole page but aproxametly.

We are still looking forward to a fix for this problem, since we are using the surounding divs on almost every page with Webgrid.


Best Regards

Rolf Arndt


Thanks for the Reply! I have tried this before, the problem is we can't always guess the height of the grid. The user can customize the height with the group by, filter and hierarchal.. The work around is to set the grid to min-height of 500px or something, but we don't want all the white space. Its a waste of real estate on the screen, I much rather Intersoft just fix the overlap problem with the horizontal scroll bar ;)


We actually use a JS function to try to resize the grid as a workaround but summing the rows and the all the options. It's not perfect.


Posted: April 5, 2011 11:51 AM

After inspect and test the snippet code in your first post of this thread, please try to remove the AutoHeight property in order to resolve the problem.

AutoHeight property specifies whether WebGrid will calculate its height automatically based on available page’s height.

Hope this helps.


Yudi, I already tried this before I sent you the snippet. I guess you didn't you try it?


I'll simplify, if you remove the autoheight snippet above and do not specify a height and the columns are larger than the width of the grid, the horizontal scroll bar covers the bottom row ALWAYS.

The grid will grow when more records are added, but the bottom row is always covered and when there is 1 or 2 records this is a major visibility problem.

Please try the example again and see my screen shots for reference.



<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid" Namespace="ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid" TagPrefix="ISNet" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<script runat="server">
  public class GridContent
    public string SecurityRoleNameText { get; set; }
    public string SecurityRoleNameUrl { get; set; }
    public string OwnerCompany { get; set; }
    public int Assigned { get; set; }
  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //Manually sets the grid columns below to 337 pixels each. 

  protected void Grid_InitializeDataSource(object sender, DataSourceEventArgs e)
    System.Collections.Generic.List<GridContent> dummyData = new System.Collections.Generic.List<GridContent>() 
      new GridContent() { SecurityRoleNameText="Administrator 1", SecurityRoleNameUrl="", OwnerCompany="Company", Assigned=1 }

    e.DataSource = dummyData;

    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <IsNet:WebGrid ID="WebGrid3"  runat="server" Width="100%" OnInitializeDataSource="Grid_InitializeDataSource" UseDefaultStyle="True" DefaultStyleMode="Elegant">
    <RootTable Caption="New Title" >
            <IsNet:WebGridColumn Name="Name" DataMember="SecurityRoleNameText" Caption="Name"  />
            <IsNet:WebGridColumn  Name="SecurityRoleNameUrl" DataMember="SecurityRoleNameUrl" Caption="SecurityRoleNameUrl"  />
            <IsNet:WebGridColumn  Name="OwnerCompany" DataMember="OwnerCompany" Caption="OwnerCompany"  />
            <IsNet:WebGridColumn  Name="Assigned" DataMember="Assigned" Caption="Assigned"  />
    <LayoutSettings AllowFilter="Yes" AllowGrouping="Yes" AllowEdit="Yes" AllowSorting="Yes" AllowColumnSizing="Yes" PagingMode="ClassicPaging">


Wait that image is an ungrouped grid, did you try grouping?

Thanks Martin, I'll try and let you know.

Can you please try with the code provided in the first post above, the problem still occurs in IE7, IE8....



He just gave you an example and Setting the Doctype to transitional is NOT AN OPTION. You are suppose to support xhtml.


this is the original email regarding the issue, Please speak with Glenn or Gordon:


From: Glenn Layaar []
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 12:42 AM
To: Guillermo Montes
Cc: 'Gordon'; Annick Kossaras; Bing Chen; Adam Davis
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


HI Guillermo,

Based on my test for the fix on the nightly build the issue has been resolved. If you would like, you could test the fix yourself using the nightly build which you could download from

As of this writing the nightly build is being uploaded to the server.

The fix is scheduled to be release on the next hotfix. Some issue and instability is to be expected when using nightly build. The purpose of this nightly build is to test the fix for the Grouping misalignment in IE7.


Glenn Layaar  

From: Glenn Layaar []
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 12:20 PM
To: 'Guillermo Montes'
Cc: 'Gordon'; 'Annick Kossaras'; 'Bing Chen'; 'Adam Davis'
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Hi Guillermo,

My direct supervisor is Gordon and he is already informed about this issue.

A fix has been available in the nightly build. I will need some time to test the fix. I will inform you about the test result in a few days.  


Glenn Layaar

From: Guillermo Montes []
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:18 AM
To: Glenn Layaar
Cc: 'Gordon'; Annick Kossaras; Bing Chen; Adam Davis
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Hi Glenn,

I know Adam Davis was doing the follow-up for this issue, but I’d like the contact for your supervisor to get an estimate for this fix or at least a workaround. Your XHTML support has been out since 2009 R1, we’re now in the 2010 R1 version and it’s still lacking. Getting this one fix is critical.


Guillermo Montes

From: Glenn Layaar []
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 11:39 PM
To: Guillermo Montes
Cc: 'Gordon'; Annick Kossaras; Bing Chen; Adam Davis
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Hi Guillermo,

We are very sorry that the issue also occurs in Grouping scenario. The submitted bug report only cover hierarchical grid, based on this report I have reopen the bug report so it will also include grouping scenario.


Glenn Layaar

From: Guillermo Montes []
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:41 AM
To: Glenn Layaar
Cc: 'Gordon'; Annick Kossaras; Bing Chen; Adam Davis
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Hi Glenn/Gordon,

This is still broken. I originally got the latest builds (the ones not in the Update Manager: WebGrid 404 and Framework 755) from some threads in the forum to test this, but now I even got 2010 R1 to test this.

·         Columns alignment in hierarchical layouts.

·         Columns alignment in flat layouts with grouping.

This screenshot comes straight from your 2010 R1 C# Samples project for WebGrid7 (Grouping.aspx page). To break it you just need to change the master page to the xhtml master.

Take Grouping.aspx and change MasterPageFile="DefaultMaster.master" to  MasterPageFile="DefaultMasterXHTML.master" group by any field and expand the groups.

I’m using XP SP3 with IE7… and I’ve tried the sample in both VS2008 and VS2010.

You mentioned this fix was scheduled for this release.


From: Glenn Layaar []
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 4:36 PM
To: Guillermo Montes
Cc: 'Gordon'
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Hi Guillermo,

The latest WebGrid 7 and WebUI Framework released with 2010 R1 is build 404 and 755 respectively. However, our update server have not been updated with the latest build from 2010 R1, in order to get the 2010 R1 build you will need to install WebUI 2010 R1 and retrieve the latest build from the installation folder.

We always suggest to update the WebUI framework as well if there is a new build of WebUI Framework when you update an Intersoft component.


Glenn Layaar

From: Guillermo Montes []
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 4:26 AM
To: Glenn Layaar
Cc: 'Gordon'
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Hey Glenn/Gordon,

I need to give the current version a try to see if this was fixed, last time you mentioned Adam that this ui bug was scheduled.

In order to install WebGrid 7.0.7200.403…

Do I need Web UI Framework 3.0.5000.753?


From: Glenn Layaar []
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 5:45 AM
To: Guillermo Montes
Cc: 'Gordon'; Adam Davis
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Hi Guillermo,

Our WebUI Studio 2010 R1 release is delayed and now is scheduled for late May 2010. That also means that the scheduled fix is also delayed, and now is scheduled for mid June 2010 at the earliest.

We are very sorry for the delay.


Glenn Layaar   

From: Guillermo Montes []
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 2:45 AM
To: Glenn Layaar
Cc: 'Gordon'; Adam Davis
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Hi Glenn,

Any news on this fix? Last time you mentioned that a hotfix was scheduled for mid May.


From: Glenn Layaar []
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 2:14 AM
To: Adam Davis; Guillermo Montes
Cc: 'Gordon'
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Hi Adam,

The issue is still open,  I was informed that our developer is focusing on WebUI Studio 2010 R1 release scheduled for late April 2010. A fix for this issue is scheduled for mid May 2010 and it will be released as a hotfix.


Glenn Layaar     

From: Adam Davis []
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 12:48 AM
To: Glenn Layaar; Guillermo Montes
Cc: 'Gordon'
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Hi Glenn,

We’re still waiting of course, do you know if this is in queue for a fix? Will this be packaged in a hotfix or a service pack?

From: Glenn Layaar []
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 2:29 AM
To: Adam Davis; Guillermo Montes
Cc: 'Gordon'
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Hi Adam,

I just re-inquiry our developer regarding the progress of this issue. Currently this is still an open issue and our developer is still in the process of analyzing and creating the fix.

Unfortunately, I still do not have an estimation on the fix release date.


Glenn Layaar

From: Adam Davis []
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 2:26 AM
To: Glenn Layaar; Guillermo Montes
Cc: 'Gordon'
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Glenn, Why have we not received an update? Your communications have to be better with us.

We don’t want to regret choosing intersoft over the competition. If you haven’t found a solution yet it’s fine, but we need to be updated. We deal with fortune 500 clients and we can’t afford to not provide answers to our clients.


Adam Davis Development Team Lead | Oceanwide

87 Prince St., 6th Floor, Montreal, QC, H3C 2M7, Canada

tel: 514-289-9090 x237 | fax: 514-289-1909 |


From: Glenn Layaar []
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2010 10:14 PM
To: Guillermo Montes
Cc: 'Gordon'; Adam Davis
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Hi Guillermo,

Thank you for the sample project. I  have successfully replicate the issue in IE7. A bug report has been submitted to our developer. We will inform you if there is any update or progress regarding this issue.

Unfortunately we do not have any workaround if you wish to use the XHTML doctype. Our suggestion, until the fix is ready is if possible please use the HTML doctype.


Glenn Layaar

From: Guillermo Montes []
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2010 12:58 AM
To: Glenn Layaar
Cc: 'Gordon'; Adam Davis
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Hi Glenn,

I made this small project to show the issue. I’m attaching two screenshots as well:

Hierarchicial.jpg is the grid with my IE running version.

WebUIBuildNumber.jpg show I’m using WebUI build 752 and WebGrid 402, the only issue I see is that even when after I drop and re-add the reference, the version # is different on VS (it still says build 1) and on the Windows Explorer. I’m getting the dlls straight from their respective bin folders in Program Files\Intersoft Solutions.



From: Glenn Layaar []
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:07 PM
To: Guillermo Montes
Cc: 'Gordon'
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Hi Guillermo,

I have tested the scenario in our HierarchicalGrid.aspx sample, changing the master page to DefaultMasterXHTML. We could not replicate the misalignment issue in our environment. Attached is the result page in my environment

Please make sure that you already update your WebGrid 7 and WebUI Framework 3 to the latest build, which is build 402 and build 752 respectively. Please also confirm that the project bin folder of the project your are running, in this case the WebGrid sample, already contains the WebGrid 7 build 402 and WebUI Framework 3 build 752.  


Glenn Layaar

From: Guillermo Montes []
Sent: 26 March 2010 02:30
To: Guillermo Montes; 'Gordon'; Glenn Layaar
Cc: Adam Davis
Subject: RE: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML



Just for clarification purposes. I just ran the update manager and I tried this again with WebGrid 7.0.7200.402, the issue still remains.



Guillermo Montes Senior Developer | Oceanwide

87 Prince St., 6th Floor, Montreal, QC, H3C 2M7, Canada

tel: 514-289-9090 x288 | fax: 514-289-1909 |


From: Guillermo Montes
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 2:53 PM
To: 'Gordon'; 'Glenn Layaar'
Cc: Adam Davis
Subject: Hierarchical CSS Issue with XHTML


Hi Gordon/Glenn,


We’re currently building our CSS classes for the grids we will be using and we found an issue with the hierarchical mode (flat grids look fine). The row height looks odd and the columns are not properly aligning. This is only the case for the XHTML doctype (which is supposed to be supported by R2). You can quickly test this with the Hierarchical.aspx sample included in the WebGridSamples project for R2… just change the MasterPageFile attribute of the @Page directive to use the xhtml master:



I’m attaching some screenshots…


Hierarchical-HTML.jpg is using the default MasterPage (with the HTML4.0 doctype) and everything looks fine.

Hierarchical-XHTML.jpg is using the XHTML Master.


Do you have a workaround for this? Changing the doctype is not an option for us. This was tested using R2 with IE7.





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