WebUI Studio 2011 R2 Released

2 replies. Last post: February 2, 2012 10:00 PM by Handy Surya
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Martin LieSupport

Dear valued customers,

We are pleased to announce the release of Intersoft WebUI Studio 2011 R2. To get more information on the new controls available in R2 release, please have a quick tour in here.

In addition to the new controls, this release also includes major enhancements to the resources consumption of all components. Thanks to all our customers and partners for the great support and invaluable feedback.

Finally, click here to download the latest WebUI Studio 2011 R2. Feel free to evaluate the products and I do hope that you satisfy with the new release.

For availability, Intersoft WebUI Studio 2011 R2 can be purchased from our online store. Should you have any inquiries regarding sales and pricing, please do not hesitate to drop an email to martin@intersoftpt.com.

Thank you for your support and enjoy the R2 products!


Intersoft Team

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