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I got an error while paste multiple rows from clipboard in webgrid from context menu.
Sptes to replicate.
1. in database, table is having column(having datatype float and supports null).(DB.png File attached for example)
2. Bind the table into webgrid.
3. Copy the row from the context menu option "Copy this row".
4. Paste the row using context menu option "Paste multiple rows from clipboard".
5. you will get an error "Unable to get property Inner text of undefined or null reference".(grid.png attached for example)
Attached the file for your reference.
Please give me solution to resolve this.
Note: I don't want to show zero(0) value intead of null in webgrid like "Isnull(<ColumnName> ,0)" from database.
Thanks in Advanced
Rupesh shakti(Software Developer)
Hello,Thank you for the question.Based on your information, I created a WebGrid page and bind the WebGrid to access data source (Northwind.mdb database & Shippers table). Before I run the page, I add a new row with a NULL value to the Shippers table (Shippers_NullData.png). Then I run the page in Internet Explorer 11.I tried to “Copy this row” on the new row that have NULL value.After that, I tried to “Paste from clipboard” on “add new row” section.But unfortunately, it works fine on my end.I attached the modified page & the video regarding how I try to attempt your issue.Please kindly have review on the attached files and please let me know if there is a missing step or configuration while trying to attempt your issue.Please forgive me for lack of understanding about the reported problem.Thank you for your help.Regards,Hans K.
Hello,Thank you for the reply.I have tried to find the “Paste multiple rows from clipboard” option. But unfortunately, I can’t found the option.I attached about how I try to find the option. Could you help to modify the WebGrid page that I attached in my prior post? So that I can find the “Paste multiple rows from clipboard” option & replicate your issue on my end.Thank you for your help.Regards,Hans K.
I am getting default option "Paste multiple rows from clipboard" when allow to context menu into the grid.
Please keep updated webgrid so that you can get at your end too.
Please do the needfull.
Rupesh Shakti
Hello,Thank you for the reply.I found that the ‘Paste multiple rows from clipboard’ option will occur if we enable the ‘AllowBatchUpdate’ option.I have tried to use the ‘Paste multiple rows from clipboard’ option, but unfortunately, it works fine as well on my end.I attached the modified page & the video regarding the result on my end.I have used the latest WebGrid assembly (v8.0.7200.259) & Intersoft Framework assembly (v3.0.5000.912) version.Could you inform me your current assembly version?What is your current browser? Have you try to set the ‘RenderingMode’ property to ‘HTML5’? Regards,Hans K.
Hi Hans,
Thanks, you got the "Paste multiple from clipboard" at your end.
I am still getiing the smae issue.
I am using the same version you mentioned above.(see attached png file)
I also set the RenderingMode to HTML5.
I am using Internet explorer 10. which browser are you using?
Please help me out
I tried every approch what you explained me above but still unable to reach the solution.
I have bellow html text and bing grid from code behind.
<ISWebGrid1:WebGrid1 ID="WebGrid1" runat="server" RenderingMode ="HTML5" DefaultStyleMode="Elegant" Height="75%" UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="100%" OnInitializeDataSource="UsageWebGrid1_InitializeDataSource" OnPrepareDataBinding="WebGrid1_PrepareDataBinding" OnBatchUpdate="WebGrid1_BatchUpdate" OnInitializePostBack ="WebGrid1_InitializePostBack"> <LayoutSettings AllowAddNew="Yes" AllowBatchUpdate="True" AllowColumnMove="Yes" AllowContextMenu="true" AllowEdit="Yes" AllowExport="Yes" AllowSelectColumns="Yes" AllowSorting="Yes" AutoFitColumns="True" AutoHeight="false" EditOnClick="False" PagingMode="VirtualLoad" ColumnFooters="Yes" NewRowLostFocusAction="AlwaysPrompt" AllowDelete="Yes" AllowFilter="Yes" AutoFilterSuggestion="True" ShowFilterStatus="True" AllowGrouping="Yes" AllowMultipleSelection="Yes" PagingLoadMode="Automatic" PagingSize="50" > <ClientSideEvents OnRowContextMenu="WebGrid1_OnRowContextMenu" OnRowValidate="WebGrid1_OnRowValidate" /> <BatchUpdateSettings AutomaticObjectUpdate="true" AllowReviewChanges="true" /> </LayoutSettings> </ISWebGrid1:WebGrid1> <ISWebCombo:WebCombo ID="ItemsWebCombo1" runat="server" AllowWildCardSearch="True" DataMember="DefaultView" OnInitializeDataSource="ItemsWebCombo1_InitializeDataSource" Height="20px" UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="200px"> <LayoutSettings EntryMode="AutoComplete" AlwaysShowAllRowsOnDropdown="true"> </LayoutSettings> </ISWebCombo:WebCombo> <ISWebCombo:WebCombo ID="WebCombo2" runat="server" AllowWildCardSearch="True" DataMember="DefaultView" OnInitializeDataSource="WebCombo2_InitializeDataSource" Height="20px" UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="200px"> <LayoutSettings EntryMode="AutoComplete" AlwaysShowAllRowsOnDropdown="true"> </LayoutSettings> </ISWebCombo:WebCombo>
Please help me out.
Hello,Based on your post, I tried to find the Intersoft WebGrid Samples that bind the WebGrid from code behind.I tried to modify the WebGrid configuration in ‘BindtoTraditionalDataSource.aspx’ page. I use your WebGrid’s configuration in your post, but I didn’t use all server side event & client side event, due to I don’t know your code.However, it also works fine on my end.I attached the video regarding the result from the modified page.Could you please help me to have review on the modified page? Please kindly try to run the modified sample on your end & please let me know the result.Also please let me know if there is configuration that I missed on the modified page.So we can found the work around / solution for this issue as soon as possible.To run the page, you just simply add the modified to the WebGrid Samples Solution.Thank you for your help.Regards,Hans K.
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