UXDesktop loading external XAP getting unlicensed version

5 replies. Last post: December 5, 2011 5:11 AM by Ajay Soni
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Ajay SoniMember


I am using Client UI 2011 Version 5.0.5000. I have created a Intersoft Desktop application and wanted to load an external XAP when the user presses an application icon.

I have successfully runtime licensed the Desktop and there's no watermark, but when I launch the XAP application, it loads great on-demand, BUT the watermark appears. I have even used the runtime license tool on the external XAP as well, but no luck.

I registered the external application like this: 

private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)


            this.RootVisual = new MainPage();

           //  create a new ApplicationPackage that represents App1

            ApplicationPackage app3 = new ApplicationPackage()


                ID = "SimpleExternalApp",

                Name = "SimpleExternalApp",

                Source = new Uri("SimpleExternalApp.xap", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute),

                  EnableMetadataDiscovery = true,

                MainType = "SimpleExternalApp.MainPage",

                VirtualPathIdentity = "/SimpleExternalApp",

                Size = -1 // auto detect the file size at runtime





Then added a button in the XAML to launch this in a window:

            <Intersoft:UXDesktopDockButton Icon="Assets/Images/Contact.png" Text="EXTERNAL XAP" ApplicationUri="/SimpleExternalApp"/>

I have attached a sample project with the runtime licenses removed from the Desktop project and a demo of the problem here http://apps.enjector.com/temp/ (which will be removed once the problem is solved).
Click the first icon on the left (looks like a contact icon with EXTERNAL XAP as tooltip).

Any ideas why the watermark is appearing when I load the external XAP.


Ajay Soni

Enjector Software


1 attachment
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