Problem with UXComboBox [wpf]

8 replies. Last post: August 24, 2010 1:01 AM by Yiannis Alexopoulos
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I have a combo box with default properties

I try to bind to a DataTable like this in code:

Private _DataForCombo As New DataTable
With _DataForCombo.Columns
      End With
      _DataForCombo.Rows.Add(0, "My Lvo")
      _DataForCombo.Rows.Add(1, "My Lvo3")
End With
 UXComboBox1.DisplayMemberPath = "name"
      UXComboBox1.SelectedValuePath = "id"
      UXComboBox1.ItemsSource = _DataForCombo.AsDataView
Now when I expand I DataRowView text instead of my descriptions, if I select it show correctly.
Do I have to use ItemTemplate?
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