Problem popping up About page (as per Client Desktop example)

1 reply. Last post: October 18, 2010 3:27 AM by Niven Prasetya
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In the absence of any documentation....I am trying to copy the About example from Client Destop example. See code be;low..

<Intersoft:UXNavigationButton Content="About" Icon="Assets/Images/ClientUI_Silverlight.png"

                                                      Command="Intersoft:WindowCommands.LaunchApplication" CommandParameter="/About.xaml"/>

When I copy into my page nothing happens.....Can someone please advise....I reckon I need more info on the ommand="Intersoft:WindowCommands.LaunchApplication" as I don't know what this does but I guess this is the important bit that make the Abount pop up work.

Is there s developer library available?



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