Having troubles launching some of the live demos

8 replies. Last post: December 1, 2011 1:25 AM by Chris Seils
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Tor Member


I'm having some trouble viewing live.clientui.com. I often get exception messages. I use IE8, IE9 and FF3.6, and it happens in all of those. My system is Win7 64 bit.

The error i typically get is this: Unable to navigate to '/NavigationControls/UXTreeView', Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation

It's not possible to copy text off the error message or possible to attach images or files to this message, so I'll provide the rest of the message as it's interpreted by my OCR software at the bottom of this message.

Am I doing anything wrong? I'm evaluating your components, but I wouldn't like this behavior in my apps.






OCR-version of the complete error msg:

Unable to navigate to '/ NavigationControls/ UXTreeView'

More Information

The paoe ' / NaviOalionComrols/UXTreeView' cannol be displa~d due 10 Ihe followino errOr·

Excep1ion has been th.own by the taroet of an invocation.

Erro. Slack Trace

II Syslem.RuntimeTypeHandle.C'ealelnSlance(RuntimeType tYpe, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noChe<:k, Boolean& ClnBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandlelnle.nal& ctor, Boolean&


al Syn"m.Runllm"Type.Creal"lnslanc"Slow(Boolean publKOnly, BooI.,.n SklpCh"ckThIS, Boolean fiIlCach,,)

II Syslem.RunlimeType .Cr"'le lnSlance~fauhCtor(Boolean publicOnty, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache)

at SystemActivato . C • .,.telnstance(Type tYpe, BooI.,.n nonPublic)

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It System.Renection.Assembty.C.eatelnstlnce(Strinll typeNlme, Boolun illno'eCase, B,ndinllFlalls b,ndinIlAttr, Binde. b,nde., ObjectO "liS, Cultu relnfo cultu re, Object[]

aCI;vat;onAnri bu Ie. I

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I n tenoft . Client. F ramewo rkAppl;Clt;O n Pac kaoe.:::I. D:J. 0:::1 :J 0


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