GridPresenter Read only?

1 reply. Last post: January 20, 2011 10:29 PM by Glenn Layaar
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Hi, i have 2 issues with this GridPresenter

 I have a GridPresenter and i have edit mode is false.  the check boxes that are here are still able to be checked and unchecked.  Even if i put the check boxes as editable false and read only false you can still edit the check boxes. nothing i do will make this read only.


If i change edit mode on and i put the DataPresenterTextColumn  as read only it's still able to be edited, but the check boxes never update the datasourse.


why does this happen?


<Intersoft:GridPresenter x:Name="grddetails" Grid.Row="2" DataSourceID="{Binding}" ItemsSource="{Binding Users, Mode=TwoWay}" EnablePaging="Yes" AutoGenerateColumn="No" EnableContextMenu="True" Error="grddetails_Error" MouseRightButtonUp="grddetails_MouseRightButtonUp">
        <Intersoft:DataPresenterTextColumn Caption="User Name" DataMemberField="UserName" IsPrimaryKey="True" Width="150" Editable="False" IsReadOnly="True"/>
        <Intersoft:DataPresenterTextColumn Caption="Email Address" DataMemberField="Email" Width="200"/>
        <Intersoft:DataPresenterTextColumn Caption="Name" DataMemberField="Name" Width="200"/>
        <Intersoft:DataPresenterTextColumn Caption="Role" DataMemberField="RoleName" DataType="System.String" Width="65" Editable="False" IsReadOnly="True"/>
        <Intersoft:DataPresenterCheckBoxColumn Caption="Enable" DataMemberField="enable" DataType="System.Boolean" Width="50" Editable="True"/>
        <Intersoft:DataPresenterCheckBoxColumn Caption="Cat Add" DataType="System.Boolean" DataMemberField="Add" Width="60"/>
        <Intersoft:DataPresenterCheckBoxColumn Caption="Cat Delete" DataType="System.Boolean" DataMemberField="Delete" Width="60"/>
        <Intersoft:DataPresenterCheckBoxColumn Caption="Cat Edit" DataType="System.Boolean" DataMemberField="Edit" Width="60"/>
        <Intersoft:DataPresenterCheckBoxColumn Caption="Record Add" DataType="System.Boolean" DataMemberField="rAdd" Width="80"/>
        <Intersoft:DataPresenterCheckBoxColumn Caption="Record Delete" DataType="System.Boolean" DataMemberField="rDelete" Width="80"/>
        <Intersoft:DataPresenterCheckBoxColumn Caption="Record Edit" DataType="System.Boolean" DataMemberField="rEdit" Width="80"/>

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