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Hi guys,
Sorry that disturbing you (I know what it means to have a delivery in few weeks :) but I need your help.
I'm doing a demo for management and if it'll be done isuccessfully then we'll be you happy customers (and I'll be your happy developer, as I really like your controls suite). The key byuing feature is navigation. We have a 3 levels of navigation.
-> -> Section
-> -> -> Section Item
I can't figure out from sample app how to implement it. It uses some hakish query string stuff and I dont get how to proceed to innermost frame.
As I understand this can (and should be easily) achieved solely with XAML configuration (UriMapping). So basically nested page should be ableto pick up what parent page has passed and pass it further until last nested frame finish it.
So I have 3 pages and each contains a frame:
1. Main page - main frame loads module pages
2. Module page - module frame load section pages
3. Section page - section page load section item pages
Paths are:
Please send sample on my email or just attach here.
MANY thanks!
You will also need to set the URI mapper for each frame. In main page:
<Intersoft:UXFrame.UriMapper> <Intersoft:UriMapper> <Intersoft:UriMapping Uri="~" MappedUri="/PageRoot.xaml"/> <Intersoft:UriMapping Uri="/{Page}" MappedUri="/Module/{Page}.xaml"/> </Intersoft:UriMapper></Intersoft:UXFrame.UriMapper>
In Module page:
<Intersoft:UXFrame.UriMapper> <Intersoft:UriMapper> <Intersoft:UriMapping Uri="/Section/{Page}" MappedUri="/Module/Section/UXModule{Page}.xaml"/> </Intersoft:UriMapper></Intersoft:UXFrame.UriMapper>
The section page will be similar with the module page.
The browser URL will only follow the main frame navigation, when navigating to the Module or Section page. For example, the browser URL will still show http://localhost:5620/ClientUIApplication1TestPage.aspx#/UXPage1 even if we already navigate to the Section and Item page
I have 3 frames.
Well, I solved this problem on my own.
Frame fragments are correctly shown in browser.
However I've spotted serious bug with navigation into/out from child nested frames when AllowNestedFrameNavigation is set for more than a single frame.
Could you please confirm that this indeed a bug (and that RTM will be free of it as navigation functionality is paramount to our project) or maybe this this is rather my misuse of uri mapping with nested frames?
Can I send test project by email? Perhaps you'll be able to correct code or even use it for bug hunting. Please write me on email directly. I'm demoing on Monday.
P.S. I can't attach it directly here as it is already contains some "not-for-public" pieces.
P.P.S. I'm also observing the behavior desribed here and it really looks weird. Hope this will be fixed along with deep navigation issues I've outlined before.
The journal button navigation issue has been clarified fixed in the RTM build.
Regarding the three-level navigation issues, this should have been supported as well. You can send your project to feedback [at] We'll check whether there are something missing or incorrect and let you know any updates.
Hi Aibo,
Thank you for sending over your sample project.
I've looked at your sample and able to reproduce several issues with the journal navigation. Can I clarify that the issues you mentioned are mostly related with the journal navigaton in IE back/foward button (and also the journal button from ClientUI)?
Other than that, the multi child navigation, fragment integration to browser, and other features already seem to work as expected.
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