ClientUI connect to SQL Azure

1 reply. Last post: October 4, 2010 12:41 AM by Glenn Layaar
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Pat TomasMember

system: windows 7 64bit, VS 2010 Ultimate, Silverlight + WCF Ria Services V1.0

I’v been playing around with the trial version of the Silverlight WebUI because our

company is considering moving from an MS Access DB, shared by around 10-15

persons, to the Intersoft Silverlight application via web, with the intention

to scale the application to 100, 200 etc. persons.

Could you please explain how to connect the ClientUI Desktop Application to SQL

Azure. What would be best practice, via ADO.NET or via Linq to SQL (ISLinq I

suppose), a short tutorial, maybe via the blog, would be very helpful, tx

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