Buttons gets hidden when resizing uXWindow

1 reply. Last post: June 11, 2013 10:55 PM by Handy Surya
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Good morning,

I have an issue concerning my window like written in the title...

i attached a video that shows how my buttons gets hidden when i try to resize the uXWindow.

here is what i did:

i created 2 buttons in the header bar of the window (i want them there margin 0,-25,0,0) then i created navigation frame and called my 3 uXPages...

How can i fix this please.

here is my code attached.

Mainly, i created this uri mapper :<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Width="Auto">      

        <Intersoft:UXFrame x:Name="PageNavFrame"  Source="/HomeWindow"  UseGlobalShell="True"
                                       AutoDetectNavigationDirection="True" NewTransitionEffect="SlideLeft"
                                       EnablePageTransition="True" DefaultTransitionEffect="SlideLeft" 
                                       UseCachedVisualForTransition="True" CornerRadius="8" AllowNestedFrameNavigation="False" 
                                       BackTransitionEffect="FlipLeft" DisplayFragmentInBrowser="False"
                                       ForwardTransitionEffect="SlideDown"  MinHeight="300" MinWidth="300" ReloadContentOnChildNavigation="False" 
                                       ShowLoadingProgress="True" >      
            <Intersoft:UXFrame.UriMapper >            
                    <Intersoft:UriMapping Uri="/{Page}" MappedUri="/Views/pagesNavigationTest/{Page}.xaml"/>

 and then i created 4 pages that are called inside ... with a stack panel inside with margin="0,-25,0,0".

Please how can i fix this?

Cordially, Haythem Karoui
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