| Class | Description |
| CallOut |
Provides a lightweight control for displaying a callout shaped container.
| ContentPerspective |
Provides a lightweight control which able to produce a reflection of the given content and give a sense of perspective to both content and its reflection when plane projection is applied (e.g rotation).
| ContentProjector |
Provides a lightweight control which able to do a plane projection to the content attached to it.
| ContentReflector |
Provides a lightweight control which able to produce a reflection of the given content.
| ContentTransformer |
Represents a control that applies transformations to its Content.
| ContentTransition |
Represents a control that applies animation transition to its Content.
| DockPanel |
Arranges child elements around the edges of the panel.
| DownloadProgressRoutedEventArgs |
Provides data for DownloadProgress event.
| DragCompletedEventArgs | Provides data for DragCompleted event. |
| DragDeltaEventArgs | Provides data for DragDelta event. |
| DragStartedEventArgs | Provides data for DragStarted event. |
| EllipsisText |
Provides a lightweight control to automatically make ellipsis text when the text size is larger then its container. Furthermore you can enable / disable the custom tooltip that will appear when you mouse over an ellipsis text.
| ExceptionRoutedEventArgs |
Provides data for Exception event.
| ExpandableContentPresenter |
Provides a lightweight expandable content presenter.
| ExpandableGroupBox |
Represents an expandable and collapsible group box that hosts a collection of input controls.
| FieldLabel |
Represents a content control for displaying a field label with a single arbitrary child content.
| FlippingBehavior |
Provides attached control with flipping animation capability at button click.
| GlassButton |
Provides a lightweight button control with a glassed themed.
| GlassLabel |
Provides a lightweight glass-themed content control.
| GroupBox |
Represents a logical group that hosts a collection of input controls.
| ImageLoader |
Provides a lightweight control for downloading image with / without download progress bar.
| JumpingBehavior |
Provides attached control with jumping animation capability at button click.
| ScrollEventArgs |
Provides data for Scroll event.
| StylishLabel |
Provides a lightweight control for displaying a bordered text with or without image.
| UXBusyIndicator |
Represents a content control that displays an indicator when busy.
| UXCursor | Represents a custom cursor that can be set to a UIElement through CursorManager. |
| UXCursor_SizeAll |
Defines UXCursor SizeAll.
| UXCursor_SizeNESW |
Defines UXCursor SizeSW.
| UXCursor_SizeNS |
Defines UXCursor SizeNS.
| UXCursor_SizeNWSE |
Defines UXCursor SizeNWSE.
| UXCursor_SizeWE |
Defines UXCursor SizeWE.
| UXCursors | Represents a collection of predefined cursors. |
| UXGroupItem | |
| UXItemsControl |
Represents a generic control that can host a collection of items.
| UXPasswordBox |
Represents a control that designed for entering and handling passwords.
| UXPopup |
Represents a popup control with intuitive animation and placements.
| UXPopUpEventArgs |
Contains state information and event data associated with a ux popup event.
| UXPopupManager |
UXPopup manager.
| UXProgressBar |
Provides a lightweight control that indicates the progress of an operation.
| UXScrollBar |
Represents a control that provides a scroll bar that has a sliding Thumb whose position corresponds to a value.
| UXScrollViewer |
Represents a scrollable area that can contains other visible elements.
| UXTextBox |
Represents a control that can display or edit unformatted text.
| UXThumb | Represents a control that can be dragged by the user |
| ValueChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for ValueChanged event.
| Viewbox |
Defines a content decorator that can stretch and scale a single child to
fill the available space.
| VirtualizingStackPanel |
Represents virtualized stack panel.
| WrapPanel |
Positions child elements sequentially from left to right or top to
bottom. When elements extend beyond the panel edge, elements are
positioned in the next row or column.
| ZIndexManager |
ZIndex Manager.