WebInput format Euro

6 replies. Last post: May 13, 2016 9:48 AM by Luciano Sitzia
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Hi, I'm trying to migrate a page where few WI get currency values in Euro. In WI version 3.0 all works fine but in version 4.0 WI doesn't manage properly the currency format when the value is set during the page load.

I have attached few screenshots for WI 4.0 settings and how WI shows values after editing and after load.

Would you mind sending me a sample to manage properly the input and display of currency values in Euro.

This is WI code:

<ISWebInput:WebInput ID="WI_ImpoInEssere" runat="server" DecimalSeparator="" Font-Size="Small" Height="20px" InitialSelection="None" MaxDate="12/31/9998 23:59:59" MinDate="1753-01-01" WaterMarkText="WaterMark Text">
 <HighLight IsEnabled="True" IsSelected="False" />
 <EditFormat Type="Other">
 <ErrorWindowInfo IsEnabled="False"></ErrorWindowInfo>
 <DisplayFormat ErrorMessage="Digitare un valore" ErrorText="Digita importo" Format="€ ##.###,00" IsEnabled="True" IsValidateOnChange="False" Type="Number">
 <CalculatorEditor IsCollaborateWithHighLight="False">
 <DateTimeEditor DateInputLink="">
 <DropDownYearFrameStyle BackColor="White" BorderColor="Black" BorderWidth="1px"></DropDownYearFrameStyle>
 <DropDownMonthFrameStyle BackColor="White" BorderColor="Black" BorderWidth="1px"></DropDownMonthFrameStyle>
 <CultureInfo CultureName="it-IT"></CultureInfo>

Thanks Regards.


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