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some users are experiencing some strange behaviour with the webGrid that I can not reproduce. I think it may be a caching problem on their end and some come through proxy servers.
It seems that most of the errors occur after I have updated the WebGrid DLL's (I am also using SmartResources). What is happening is that some of the icons viewable in the grid (like the filter row) are missing and their functionality doesn't work. I also get errors associated with the script resources.
Is there a way that the script files and resources expire? Most of these users need to go thoguh their IT departments to reconfigure their browsers and in some instances there are certain parameters that they can not change? Not sure if this is the problem or not but as I said I can't reproduce it.
Any ideas?
Update: It appears to occur if the user has cookies turned off. Is there a way to have these controls work when cookies are turned off?
Interesting results. Thanks for sharing.
The answer is simple. When cookies is turned off, the ISRes.axd is redirected to the login form, and hence it doesn't return the expected result/response.
To resolve this issue, simply exclude ISRes.axd from the authentication paths, which means ISRes.axd should always be loaded regardless of the authentication state.
The following example might do the trick:
<location path="ISRes.axd"> <system.web> <authorization> <allow users="*" /> </authorization> </system.web> </location>
Hi John,
WebGrid control doesn't rely on cookies, so that should not be the problem.
Regarding the missing resources issue, it's unlikely related with caching. The common case with caching is that it keeps loading older version of resources (either images or scripts), but since you mention the image such as filter row is missing, I think it is more related to the server-side problem.
If you have access to your web server logs, try to inspect the logs and look for ISRes.axd entries with status >= 400.
Hope this helps.
When I turn cookies off in IE (using IE Developer Tools) or Firefox (using Webdeveloper) and access my site, which has forms authenication, which stores the cookie information in the URL, the WebGrid and other WebUI controls do not work. I do get a JavaScript error saying WGUI is undefined with the grid. With the WebCombo, the drop arrow is the number 6 and it doesn't drop down. It's almost like these control assume Javascript is turned off if cookies are off.
I looked in the logs and I don't see any status >= 400, but I do see 302.
Usually the issue happend because the control didn't get the the resources like ScriptDirectory and SharedScriptDirectory, etc. Do you used SmartWebResources? If yes, you need to make sure that ISNet.WebUI.Resources.dll and other resources dll(e.g ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Resources.dll) is updated using the latest version. But if you are not using SmartWebResources, please make sure that the CommonLibrary folder inside your project is updated using the latest script that comes with the hotfix.
One more thing, if you turn on the cookies in IE, did the problem also occured?
Best Regards,
Gordon Tumewu
Hi Gordon,
I am using SmartResources and they are the latest version, I checked multiple times as I also thought this to be the case. As I said the site uses Forms authenication and the cookieless parameter is "AutoDetect". This checks to see if the browser accepts cookies or if cookies are off. If this is the case, then the foms authentication token is stored in the URL. When this happens, the WebUI controls do not work. When cookies are turned back on and the browser closed/reopen and vist the site everything works again. The problems only occur with the webUI controls.
I'm at a lost!
It's interesting to hear that the WebUI controls failed to work when you turned off the cookies.
Can you help to check this, try to turn off cookies then run your application. When you got all those errors, try to paste one of the ISRes request (eg, ISRes.axd?F/ISCore.js) in the browser's address directly.
Please share what response you got in the browser. Thanks.
I don't get any errors, they just don't work. On the grid the icons are missing, with the webCombo the drop down arrow does not show, on the webNotifcations a popup error does occur and it show:
ctl100$MainContent$WebNotification1_iswnf-pbError:Unknown Server Error
But one thing I have noticed, I have turned Tracing on and it looks like everytime I hit the page the sessionID changes. This would cause a problem with the decryption of the resources.
When cookies is turned off, the session will likely changed every time because session used cookies to store its own internal ID.
The WebCombo dropdown arrow doesn't show means that its script is not loaded. So I'll likely there are server-side errors while the scripts are requested from the server. To investigate this issue, you need to use HttpWatch and then investigate the response of each script resource.
The response is likely to be a server-side error, if you manage to get the exact error message, please post it.
I downloaded the basic version of HttpWatch. I did 2 things.
Created a brand new web site with no login authentication and a very simple page with a webCombo. I ran the page in Firefox with cookies on and off and everything works as it should.
I then took my site which DOES require login authentication (forms) and then created a very simple page as above and in the Page_Load event created an Authentication token to log in.
I ran the page in Firefox with cookies on and off and below is the results of HttpWatch:
00:00:00.000 Untitled Page 0.000 0.041 444 6621 GET 200 text/html; charset=utf-8 http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/Data/WebUITest.aspx0.084 0.006 508 18258 GET 200 text/css http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/App_Themes/FMCSA/FMCSAStyles.css0.085 0.009 503 34718 GET 200 text/css http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/App_Themes/FMCSA/style3.css0.087 0.058 618 267 GET 304 text/css http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/WebResource.axd?d=ApLkNPKa6q-1Q0Mjsuut5YPO8U4q2C5ivNxyR9XMLRIalB23ZB0P7Wj99Bd1Nq4mhs_mUA0xoTQ81DD1lxkRMQ2&t=6338197784400000000.100 0.006 463 736 GET 302 Redirect to /CMSDeploy/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?F/IEMozBridge.js/305000702&F/IEMozBridge.js/305000702&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?F/IEMozBridge.js/3050007020.102 0.009 458 716 GET 302 Redirect to /CMSDeploy/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?F/ISCore.js/305000702&F/ISCore.js/305000702&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?F/ISCore.js/3050007020.104 0.009 460 724 GET 302 Redirect to /CMSDeploy/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?C/WebCombo.js/407200214&C/WebCombo.js/407200214&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?C/WebCombo.js/4072002140.106 0.010 461 728 GET 302 Redirect to /CMSDeploy/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?F/ISCore_UI.js/305000702&F/ISCore_UI.js/305000702&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?F/ISCore_UI.js/3050007020.123 0.011 622 23575 GET 200 text/html; charset=utf-8 http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?F/IEMozBridge.js/305000702&F/IEMozBridge.js/305000702&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=10.135 0.013 612 23565 GET 200 text/html; charset=utf-8 http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?F/ISCore.js/305000702&F/ISCore.js/305000702&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=10.138 0.021 616 23569 GET 200 text/html; charset=utf-8 http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?C/WebCombo.js/407200214&C/WebCombo.js/407200214&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=10.144 0.024 618 23571 GET 200 text/html; charset=utf-8 http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?F/ISCore_UI.js/305000702&F/ISCore_UI.js/305000702&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 0.168 6383 157048 12 requests
00:00:00.000 Untitled Page 0.000 0.022 673 6547 GET 200 text/html; charset=utf-8 http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/Data/WebUITest.aspx0.068 0.006 737 18258 GET 200 text/css http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/App_Themes/FMCSA/FMCSAStyles.css0.070 0.009 732 34718 GET 200 text/css http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/App_Themes/FMCSA/style3.css0.073 0.031 847 267 GET 304 text/css http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/WebResource.axd?d=ApLkNPKa6q-1Q0Mjsuut5YPO8U4q2C5ivNxyR9XMLRIalB23ZB0P7Wj99Bd1Nq4mhs_mUA0xoTQ81DD1lxkRMQ2&t=6338197784400000000.094 0.009 692 11550 GET 200 application/x-javascript http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?F/IEMozBridge.js/3050007020.096 0.025 687 34951 GET 200 application/x-javascript http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?F/ISCore.js/3050007020.098 0.037 689 34454 GET 200 application/x-javascript http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?C/WebCombo.js/4072002140.099 0.036 690 1505 GET 200 application/x-javascript http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?F/ISCore_UI.js/3050007020.230 0.005 713 323 GET 200 image/gif http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?C/arrow_black.gif0.236 0.004 710 552 GET 200 image/gif http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?C/DD4_Over.gif0.238 0.007 712 448 GET 200 image/gif http://localhost:4127/CMSDeploy/ISRes.axd?C/DD4_Active.gif 0.245 7882 143573 11 requests
Hi James,
I was just about to also try that. Don't know whay I didnt think of that before! Thanks for the link for HttpWatch and great tool.
I'll let you know the results
UPDATE: Your solution works, thank you. Still have some problems but should be able to solve them. The webnotification fails with _iswnf_pb error, but I suspect it the same issue with the web servvice.
Again James, Thank you for your very helpful help.
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