Webgrid 7 problem with one scenario

7 replies. Last post: May 18, 2010 3:26 PM by Handy Surya
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Madhavan GMember


Previously We were using Webgrid 6.Now we have upgraded to Webgrid 7 of version 7.0.7200.401.

We are facing one issue in our scenario which is working fine in Webgrid 6.

Scenario is:

we are having a grid with two images(enable and disable).

If we click on enable image we will enable the multi select in the grid and if we click on disable image we will hide the checkbox from the grid.This functionality is working fine with Webgrid 6 and webgrid 7.

One more scenario is first we will group the webgrid based on a column then when we click on Enable image icon then a javascript error ( 'children.0.scrollWidth' is null or not an object) is thrown after enabling the checkbox.but the same thing is working fine in webgrid 6 without any javascritp error.


Please find the attached sample page which illustrates our problem.Please advice as we stuck with this for our Sharepoint 2010 release.





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