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Brad McBride Member


Thanks for this information. That's exactly what I needed to know. Unfortunately, Blend isn't an option for me right now since I am in an office full of early adapters and we have started to develop in Visual Studio 2010 and Blend can't open VS2010 projects without causing some issues. Once Blend has been updated I will definately be using it to set properties like this.

Posted: March 8, 2010 9:43 AM

I think I have found the cause of the problem. I was attempting to change the appearance of the coverflow control and I decided to use Expression Blend to change the control. When I made those changes and ran the project from within Blend the images appeared. It turns out that when I am running the project locally from Visual Studio I am not loading a web server like Blend does.  It seems like the control needs to be running from the localhost server in order to hit the server to download the images. Thanks for your assistance in helping me get this running. The coverflow control is beautiful and full featured.

Posted: March 8, 2010 9:23 AM


Thanks so much for the reply. I have changed the strPicPath to a string type and I have verified that the data from the object is getting into the coverflow control because I am able to see the name of the image in the title field. However, I'm still not seeing any images show up in the control. The coverflow control contains the correct number of items based on the data from the collection so I know that the binding is working. Any suggestions as to why I can't see the actual images? I have verified that the URL being passed into the control is correct and points to a valid image file on my server so I know that it's not an issue with the URL itself.

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