Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
Features Added in WebGrid 6
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Intersoft WebGrid > Release History > Features Added in WebGrid 6

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WebGrid extends its version 6 with new features, improvements to existing features, and enhancements to the documentation. This section provides information about the key additions and modifications.

In This Section

Classic Paging

WebGrid comes with the new classic paging in addition to support the VirtualLoad paging mode.

Pivot Charting

WebGrid introduces a new built-in feature called pivot charting. It transforms raw data from the Grid view into a Chart view.

Enabling add, edit and delete in WebGrid using AccessDataSource control

WebGrid enhances its feature by allowing user to perform adding, editing and deleting data in WebGrid using AccessDataSource control, where one of the columns data type is AutoNumber.

Customizing UI

WebGrid now fully implements the support for Section 508 Standards and accessibility.

Automatic Group Total Update

WebGrid introduces grouping with built-in aggregation.

Preventing new row with default values to be marked as edit

WebGrid provides a built-in feature that allows developers to specify the default value displayed when user type in the NewRow area.

WebCombo.NET as FilterEditType

WebGrid provides strong integration with WebCombo. Now, WebCombo can be used as editing type in the WebGrid as well as filter editing type.

Multiple Row Selection

WebGrid adds new feature that allows user to select multiple rows using checkbox.

Preserving checked/selected rows on FlyPostBack™ actions

WebGrid now able to persist the checked/selected rows between postbacks and AJAX callbacks (FlyPostBack).

New 'ButtonImage' Column type

WebGrid now includes a new ButtonImage column type for displaying button with image.

Option to turn off animation in context menu

WebGrid simply adds a new feature to its rich user interaction, which is the ability to turn off the context menu's animation.

Preserving expanded child rows

WebGrid includes an enhancement to preserver expanded child rows automatically.

See Also

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