Loading the Calendar control failure in chrome

3 replies. Last post: March 11, 2022 4:50 PM by Mark O
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Benny SunMember

Hi Support,

I have to use the Calendar column in webgrid 9, I met a very troublesome problem as follows:

Unable to use the calendar drop down in chrome, when you click on the calendar nothing happens. (see figure 1)

After further analysis, I am pretty sure this is a timing issue in the Intersoft calendar library. if you can't see the problem because it loads the calendar popup html so fast on your side, but from our side, it is slower to load the html so the code ends up canceling the load of the html as you can see in the Network trace in Chrome developer tools. (see figure 2)

If I trace it back to source, my guess is the culprit is right here. Notice the timeout value of “100” and notice above that the cancelation of the request occurs around 111 milliseconds which I think shows a relationship.(see figure 3)

Unfortunately since this is an issue in the Intersoft code, I don’t know how we can fix it。

If you can help to me that will be very appreciate.

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