Revolutionary real time data editing is only available with WebGrid. Our new editing function posts only modified records and updates in the background — no page refreshes needed. Intersoft’s OnTheFlyPostBack® architecture and Microsoft's ADO.NET in-memory architecture make this elegant time-saver possible.
Codelessly create mandatory input fields in mere seconds. Use the built-in error message to warn users when they attempt to leave a field empty or compose your own custom message.
Assign detailed help text directly to individual columns. The help text will be automatically displayed in the status bar when the column is selected, guiding users as they work.
Our CustomEditor architecture makes it possible to attach virtually any type of ASP.NET server control or DHTML client control to a column as a specialized editor. If existing controls aren’t enough, you can even create your own editors for complete control over the editing process. WebGrid includes two custom editing control, WebTextEditor and Windows 7-style calendar.