Where most controls of its type can expand in only a single direction, the ExpandDirection property of the versatile WebAccordion can be set to expand up, down, left, or right. In addition, the ExpandIndex property allows you to set the item to be initially expanded.
With WebAccordion you choose the content: text, images, or even complex forms. Full support for both inline and Iframe modes lets you to host the content directly in the control itself, or link it in from an external page – all with just a few clicks inside the Visual Studio IDE.
Use the DefaultStyleMode property to choose between WebAccordion’s two predefined themes: the stylishly soothing blue and crisply cool silver. For more complete control, use WebStyleManager to create and apply your own global theme.
The client-side framework of WebAccordion provides a consistent object model that supports both server-side and client-side development. A comprehensive client-side API puts you in complete control of runtime behavior. Easily expand WebAccordion items, obtain frame and content elements, and much, much more. Client-side events give you the power to craft customized programmatic responses when users expand or collapse items.
In addition to its predefined styles, WebAccordion lets you unleash your own creative power to design your dream theme. Apply your own custom-designed CSS class, or use the available properties to create precisely the appearance your application demands.
WebAccordion fully complies with the HTML5 standard, providing pixel-perfect rendering on any HTML5-ready browser.