Component Designer makes customizing and configuring WebExplorerPane a snap. All properties are organized into logically grouped tabs. In just minutes you will have an advanced navigation and control system for your ASP.NET applications.
WebExplorerPane provides several popular themes, such as XPBlue and XPClassic. Simply use Component Designer to select the desired style, or apply a global style from WebStyleManager.
In addition to its predefined styles, WebExplorerPane allows you to customize most elements through the WebStyle and DynamicStyle properties. This flexibility enables you to precisely match WebExplorerPane’s style to the style of your web application.
WebExplorerPane leverages its client-side framework to present a consistent object model for both server-side and client-side development. Its comprehensive API gives you total control of its runtime behavior. Easily disable or enable a WebExplorerPane, programmatically get the WebExplorerPane collection or WebExplorerPaneItems collection, or change the caption, tooltip or image of a WebExplorerPane or WebExplorerPaneItem.