
Visually-appealing styles animation.

Visually Appealing Styles Animation

Intersoft WebCallOut is a superior replacement for the standard tooltip. With its beautifully designed styles, appealing visual effects, and customizable elements, WebCallOut has everything you need to build the perfect tooltip to complement your web applications.

Flexible tooltip positioning

Flexible Tooltip Positioning

WebCallOut delivers more than just eye candy. It also offers you the flexibility to change the default top right position to any position you prefer.

Interactive moving style

Interactive Moving Style

Automatically set WebCallOut tooltips to automatically follow the mouse pointer. For instance, if the control specified in TargetControlId is an image while your mouse is inside the image borders, the tooltip will follow the mouse cursor position.

Predefined styles

Predefined Styles

WebCallOut offers a variety of easily selected tooltip styles, such as XP, Vista, Blue Crystal, and Orange Beam.

Timed auto hide

Timed Auto Hide

Especially useful in situations where a brief informational popup is needed, Timed AutoHide allows you to set a predetermined latency interval, after which the tooltip will fade.

Highly configurable layouts and behaviors

Virtually every visible WebCallOut element can be customized to match your ASP.NET application needs. For example, you can control the display of the title as well as the top title icon and the close icon for consistent branding or look and feel.

Highly configurable layouts and behaviors

Enhanced with OnTheFlyPostBack™ technology.

Enhanced FlyPostBack Technology

By simply adding an OnShow server-side event handler, you can take advantage of Intersoft’s powerful FlyPostBack mechanism to set WebCallOut text from server-side in addition to client-side.

Use HTML controls as ASP.NET controls

More than just a tooltip, WebCallOut’s ability to incorporate HTML and ASP.NET server-side controls means you can even use it as a quick popup data entry form. A great way to allow on the fly entry, you can embed textboxes, comboboxes, and other controls directly into tooltips to quickly accept user input without having to display a new web page.

Rich client-side API

Providing a comprehensive set of client-side events and methods, the highly extensible WebCallOut puts you in complete control of its behavior, enabling you to easily tailor it to match the exact needs of your application.

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