Using a WebInput for the Date is always defaulting to the currrent year

11 replies. Last post: May 10, 2011 12:05 AM by Handy Surya
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I am using the WebInput attached to the grid for a date field.  When I select a date from any previous year and then click off the cell, it autmayically changes the year to 2010.  Is this a bug?  I am attaching my code snippit.


<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Order Date" Name="Date" Width="70px" DataMember="Date" DataFormatString="MM/dd/yyyy" CustomEditorName="WebInputNET" CustomEditorServerId="WebInputDate" EditType="Custom">



<ISWebInput:WebInput ID="WebInputDate" runat="server" Width="140px"> <HighLight IsEnabled="True" Type="Phrase" /> <CultureInfo CultureName="en-US"> </CultureInfo> <EditFormat Format="MM/dd/yyyy" IsEnabled="True"> <MaskInfo MaskExpression="00/00/0000"> </MaskInfo> <ErrorWindowInfo IsEnabled="True"> </ErrorWindowInfo> </EditFormat> <DateTimeEditor IsEnabled="false"> </DateTimeEditor> </ISWebInput:WebInput>
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