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How do I create a window from another window on the fly.
Here is what I have in my class, I can reference the WebDesktop, but it is not working. It doesn't error out... just no window shows up.
MainDesktopManager = amaPage.Session("MainDesktopManager")Dim isWindow As ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop.WebDesktopWindowDim aFound As Boolean = FalseFor Each isWindow In MainDesktopManager.WindowsIf isWindow.Name = ssName ThenaFound = TrueExit ForEnd IfNextIf aFound = False Then isWindow = New ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop.WebDesktopWindowisWindow.Text = ssCaptionisWindow.Name = ssNameisWindow.ControlBox = ControlBox.YesisWindow.ControlBoxImage = ssControlBoxImageisWindow.ContentMode = ContentMode.UseIFrameisWindow.ContentURL = ssURLisWindow.ShowInTaskBar = TrueDim vSize As System.Drawing.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(640, 480)isWindow.MinimumSize = vSizeDim isSize As System.Drawing.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(ssWidth, ssHeight)isWindow.Size = isSizeIf ssAllowMaximize = True ThenisWindow.AllowMaximize = AllowMaximize.YesElseisWindow.AllowMaximize = AllowMaximize.NoEnd IfIf ssAllowMinimize = True ThenisWindow.AllowMinimize = AllowMinimize.YesElseisWindow.AllowMinimize = AllowMinimize.NoEnd IfIf ssAllowResize = True ThenisWindow.AllowResize = AllowResize.YesElseisWindow.AllowResize = AllowResize.NoEnd IfIf ssAllowClose = True ThenisWindow.AllowClose = CloseMode.YesElseisWindow.AllowClose = CloseMode.NoEnd IfisWindow.ClientVisible = TrueMainDesktopManager.Windows.Add(isWindow)ElseEnd IfEnd Sub
If aFound = False Then isWindow = New ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop.WebDesktopWindowisWindow.Text = ssCaptionisWindow.Name = ssNameisWindow.ControlBox = ControlBox.YesisWindow.ControlBoxImage = ssControlBoxImageisWindow.ContentMode = ContentMode.UseIFrameisWindow.ContentURL = ssURLisWindow.ShowInTaskBar = TrueDim vSize As System.Drawing.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(640, 480)isWindow.MinimumSize = vSizeDim isSize As System.Drawing.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(ssWidth, ssHeight)isWindow.Size = isSizeIf ssAllowMaximize = True ThenisWindow.AllowMaximize = AllowMaximize.YesElseisWindow.AllowMaximize = AllowMaximize.NoEnd IfIf ssAllowMinimize = True ThenisWindow.AllowMinimize = AllowMinimize.YesElseisWindow.AllowMinimize = AllowMinimize.NoEnd IfIf ssAllowResize = True ThenisWindow.AllowResize = AllowResize.YesElseisWindow.AllowResize = AllowResize.NoEnd IfIf ssAllowClose = True ThenisWindow.AllowClose = CloseMode.YesElseisWindow.AllowClose = CloseMode.NoEnd IfisWindow.ClientVisible = TrueMainDesktopManager.Windows.Add(isWindow)ElseEnd If
isWindow = New ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop.WebDesktopWindowisWindow.Text = ssCaptionisWindow.Name = ssNameisWindow.ControlBox = ControlBox.YesisWindow.ControlBoxImage = ssControlBoxImageisWindow.ContentMode = ContentMode.UseIFrameisWindow.ContentURL = ssURLisWindow.ShowInTaskBar = TrueDim vSize As System.Drawing.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(640, 480)isWindow.MinimumSize = vSizeDim isSize As System.Drawing.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(ssWidth, ssHeight)isWindow.Size = isSizeIf ssAllowMaximize = True ThenisWindow.AllowMaximize = AllowMaximize.YesElseisWindow.AllowMaximize = AllowMaximize.NoEnd IfIf ssAllowMinimize = True ThenisWindow.AllowMinimize = AllowMinimize.YesElseisWindow.AllowMinimize = AllowMinimize.NoEnd IfIf ssAllowResize = True ThenisWindow.AllowResize = AllowResize.YesElseisWindow.AllowResize = AllowResize.NoEnd IfIf ssAllowClose = True ThenisWindow.AllowClose = CloseMode.YesElseisWindow.AllowClose = CloseMode.NoEnd IfisWindow.ClientVisible = TrueMainDesktopManager.Windows.Add(isWindow)
isWindow.AllowMaximize = AllowMaximize.Yes
isWindow.AllowMaximize = AllowMaximize.No
isWindow.AllowMinimize = AllowMinimize.Yes
isWindow.AllowMinimize = AllowMinimize.No
isWindow.AllowResize = AllowResize.Yes
isWindow.AllowResize = AllowResize.No
isWindow.AllowClose = CloseMode.Yes
isWindow.AllowClose = CloseMode.No
I think it could not be done this way. As far I know, WebDesktopManager does not have any FlyPostBack response or process.So, if you would like to create the window at server side, you will need to do it FullPostBack.But regarding this scenario, I suggest you to handle it via clientside.In clientside, you can freely to create or close a window.
So there is no way to create a new window from server side code? I am using MSChart and want to create a new window based on a click of a graph.
I think you missunderstood my explanation. Previously, You asked if this can be done on the fly.The answer is no because WebDesktopManager does not have any properties or method to process FlyPostBack in serverside.However, you can create a new window from server side only if you do FullPostBack mode.Please see my attached sample. I created a window from single button (server side).You can see that it requires FullPostBack.If you want to have a flypostback, you will need to use client side approach.
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