how do I limit the number of postbacks from webcombo

3 replies. Last post: November 10, 2009 8:08 PM by Handy Surya
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Ethan WatersMember

This question relates to .net 1.1 webocombo v2.  I am currently upgrading to v4 but I still have legacy clients.  In quick tests I see the same issue in v4.

I have a data entry screen with about 10 web combos.  The initialize datasource gets hit on the initial load of page.  Then each time I click into one of the web combos it triggers a postback that hits my page onload, but not the InitializeDataSource (everything works so I don't need it to hit initializedatasource).  I have no other webcombo code except for initialize datasource. 

Why does the webcombo cause a postback when nothing is being done server-side?  Can I prevent this postback?  Or is there a way for me to tell that it is the webcombo that is causing the postback so that I don't run my other onload code numerous times (I already use the if ispostback in onload, but I need to have certain code outside that condition)? 


Thanks for any suggestions, Ethan

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