Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
Intersoft WebCombo.NET Integration
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Intersoft WebGrid > WebGrid Features Overview > Editing Data > Built-in Custom Editor > Intersoft WebCombo.NET Integration

Glossary Item Box

WebGrid can be integrated with WebCombo.NET as an EditType. This integration can be specified using WebGrid Designer or programmatically in runtime.


This topic contains the following sections:

Using WebGrid Designer to Integrate WebCombo.NET

Using WebGrid Designer, the integration can be done by specifying two properties which are EditType and WebComboID. In EditType property, choose WebComboNET and in WebComboID property, choose the WebCombo ID that will be integrated to WebGrid.


Programmatically Integrate WebCombo.NET

To integrate WebCombo.NET as WebGrid's edit type programmatically, you can add the following code in the server side:

C# Copy Code
private void WebGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.LayoutEventArgs e)
    WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("SupplierID").EditType = EditType.WebComboNET;
    WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("SupplierID").WebComboID = "wcCategory";


Multiple values editing using WebCombo.NET

In conjunction with Multiple Values feature in the improved WebValueList, WebGrid 5.0 also includes the ability to edit the multiple values data that translated using the WebValueList.

This powerful feature implements deep integration between Intersoft's WebGrid and WebCombo control. With Multiple Selection feature available in WebCombo.NET version 3.0+, the WebGrid control seamlessly connect to WebCombo control in order to edit and return multiple values data of the selected cell.

In addition to multiple values editing, WebGrid 5.0 supports deeper integration with WebCombo.NET 4.0 control in other areas such as in user interface and editing environment. For instance, when both WebCombo and WebGrid control are using Default Style, the WebCombo control's appearance will be adjusted automatically to fit into the editing cell. This automated behavior ensures rich editing experience with consistent look.


Enhanced integration with WebCombo

Since its initial release, WebGrid Enterprise™ has been well known with its tight integration with other Intersoft's products, especially integration with WebCombo.

In version 7, WebGrid enhances the WebCombo integration further in various scenarios such as when used in Custom and Image column type.

WebGrid 7 enables you to achieve more complex scenarios to deliver richer user experience, such as using Custom column type to display custom images. You can use WebCombo to allow your users to edit such type of information more intuitively.

When WebCombo is used in Custom column type, WebGrid automatically map the cell's value to the text field of WebCombo, while maintaining default inline editing behavior.


See Also

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