Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
WebGridFreezePaneSettings Class
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ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid Namespace : WebGridFreezePaneSettings Class

A collection of settings that replicate WebGrid's Column freezing, which is a new feature in WebGrid.NET 5.0. This new feature is the most significant new feature in WebGrid.NET 5.0 Enterprise and is the first original implementation that able to replicate Microsoft Excel's popular column freezing behavior.

Object Model

WebGridFreezePaneSettings Class


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Class WebGridFreezePaneSettings 
   Inherits ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass
   Implements ISNet.ICopyable, ISNet.IResetable, ISNet.Serialization.BinarySerialization.IBinarySerialize 
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As WebGridFreezePaneSettings
public class WebGridFreezePaneSettings : ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass, ISNet.ICopyable, ISNet.IResetable, ISNet.Serialization.BinarySerialization.IBinarySerialize  
public class WebGridFreezePaneSettings = class(ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass, ISNet.ICopyable, ISNet.IResetable, ISNet.Serialization.BinarySerialization.IBinarySerialize)
public class WebGridFreezePaneSettings extends ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass implements ISNet.ICopyable, ISNet.IResetable, ISNet.Serialization.BinarySerialization.IBinarySerialize 
Managed Extensions for C++ 
public __gc class WebGridFreezePaneSettings : public ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass, ISNet.ICopyable, ISNet.IResetable, ISNet.Serialization.BinarySerialization.IBinarySerialize  
public ref class WebGridFreezePaneSettings : public ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass, ISNet.ICopyable, ISNet.IResetable, ISNet.Serialization.BinarySerialization.IBinarySerialize  


Column freezing is very useful for users who want certain information remain visible in the data grid. Often times, users insert several functions, such as edit or delete button, or a checkbox on the grid to allow users to perform data selection. These actions are best presented in frozen mode so that users can conveniently access to the functions.

LiveFreeze™ enables you to configure initial column freezing setting from server side property. There are two main properties that need to be set to activate this feature: AllowColumnFreezing property in LayoutSettings and ActiveFrozenColumns property in FreezePaneSettings.

Column freezing works perfectly in conjunction with other features, such as grouping, sorting, filtering, column moving and resizing (for non-frozen columns), keyboard navigation and so on. LiveFreeze™ feature has some behaviors that simulate the Microsoft Excel's column freezing behavior, such as:

  •  Scrolled columns must be entirely hidden (not partially hidden) to avoid user's confusion while interacting with data in the Grid.
  • High performance scrolling. When scrolled, unfrozen columns must be immediately invisible (real time).
  • Does not change main table's structure and thus all cell API can still be used without any breaking changes.
  • Ability to freeze and unfreeze panes at runtime (through column's context menu).
  • Supports editing environment and keyboard navigation for scrolling.
  • Supports filter bar, column total, grouping, sorting, as well as column resize while the freeze pane is active.
  • Frozen pane is indicated with a black line and double line in the column header.The splitter color is customizable in FreezePaneSettings.
  • Works in latest Gecko-based browsers


The following is a list related to LiveFreeze™ behaviors when used with other WebGrid’s features:

  • Frozen columns are designed for flat-view and can be applied to RootTable only. Child tables are not applicable.
  • Frozen columns are not moveable. This behavior is set automatically.
  • Frozen columns will not appear in Select Columns automatically.
  • Frozen columns can’t be grouped, unless HideColumnsWhenGrouped property is set to False.
  • Frozen columns visibility are locked and can’t be set to hidden. If you would like to enable users to remove the column, unfreeze the column first to remove it from the Grid.
  • Frozen columns can’t work together with ColumnSet layout, since ColumnSet layout does not have suitable display and purpose to be applicable for Column Freezing feature.
  • Column Freezing feature should not be used with AutoFitColumns feature due to purpose’s conflict. AutoFitColumns feature purpose is to prevent horizontal scrolling by auto-fitting all columns, while Column Freezing feature requires horizontal scrolling.
  • For best performance, limit the RootTable rows to a reasonable maximum number of rows. Enable VirtualLoad paging if needed.
  • If you are displaying large data (eg, more than 1000 rows) in the WebGrid, it is recommended to set ShowSplitterLine to false for best performance.
  • When the frozen pane’s width exceeds the visible client area of the WebGrid, the horizontal scrolling will automatically fallback to default scrolling behavior. This means the frozen pane will no longer in effect until the frozen pane’s boundary is visible back in the client’s viewport. This automatic behavior ensures WebGrid to behave and display properly as users working with information.
  • When column freezing is enabled, you can still access the client side Columns object model as usual since LiveFreeze™ used a new developed algorithm that does not require changes in core DOM structure.
  • Hidden columns that resulted from the scrolling process will be automatically persisted in FlyPostBack™ (AJAX) actions, except Refresh and RefreshAll action. The hidden columns will not be persisted in full postback event.
  • Column freezing feature can be used together with the following features:
    Column resize and moving (for non-frozen columns), Grouping, Filtering, Sorting, GroupTotal, AllowAdd, AllowEditing, Keyboard Navigation, VirtualLoad™ Paging, CellSelect mode, EditOnClick mode, PreviewRow
  • Extensively supported in Mozilla browsers. Optimized for latest browsers such as Internet Explorer 7.0+ and Mozilla FireFox 2.0+

For more information regarding Column Freezing feature, please read How-to: Enable Column Freezing and Configure Initial Settings.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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