Class | Description | |
AutoIncrementAttribute | This attribute to mark a property in custom object as an auto increment field. | |
BaseEventArgs | The base class for event argument in WebGrid.The ReturnValue allows default behavior of the cancelled events to be skipped. | |
BatchUpdateEventArgs | The batch update class for event argument in WebGrid. | |
BrowserPrintSettings | Represents configuration to control the behaviors of printing when it is done directly from browser. | |
ButtonEventArgs | Provides data for button related event. | |
CaptionAttribute | Sets the caption of the property which will be used in WebGridColumn's Caption. | |
CellEventArgs | Provides data for cell related event. | |
ChartFillStyle | The base of all filling types, which currently are: color, gradient, pattern, image and advanced gradient | |
ChartLightSourceSettings | Represents a light source in the 3D scene. It can control the light source emission characteristics, position and direction. You can add light sources to the 3D scene with the help of the LightSources collection of the GLLightModel class. The number of light sources is limited to eight in the current Microsoft OpenGL implementation. | |
ChartMarkerStyle | Controls the appearance of a data point marker. | |
ChartPivotConfig | Base class for all PivotConfig classes | |
ChartPivotDataConfig | Represent the PivotData config settings. | |
ChartPivotFilterConfig | Represent the PivotFilter config settings. | |
ChartScaleStripStyle | Represents a scalable interlaced style. Interlaced styles are drawn on the chart walls and synchronized with the axis major ticks. | |
ChildTableDataSourceEventArgs | Provides data for childtable's datasource event. | |
ClientEvents | Provides a centralized class for client side event. | |
ClientSideAction | Class that bridge the gaps between client and server using OnTheFly postback architecture. | |
ColumnEventArgs | Provides data for column related event. | |
ColumnSetSettings | Class that enables user to create a set of columns and rows as one row layout and customize numerous setting of WebGridColumnSet. | |
CustomAggregateArgs | Class that allow users to perform custom calculation on Rows collection. | |
CustomVirtualLoad | Customized class that enables more data to be retrieved from server transparently and virtually as users scroll the data forward. | |
DataSourceEventArgs | Provides data for datasource related event. | |
DynARInfo | Provides data for parameters to export WebGrid reports. The reports use ActiveReport engine from Data Dynamic Ltd. | |
ExportCompletedEventArgs | This class will be called after the ExportEventArgs Class has finished the exporting process. | |
ExportEventArgs | Class that allows users to use their own exporting codes or module to handle exporting functionality. | |
FilterEventArgs | Provides data for filter related event. | |
FocusStyle | FocusStyle object contains the styles used to control the appearance of focused row or cell object. | |
GenericContainerTemplate | The class that provides information regarding the container for column template. The column template can be used to add ASP.NET server controls to the WebGridCell. | |
GenericDataSourceTableSchema | The class that provides information regarding the fundamental structure of all tables in ISDataSource control. This structural information is used for hierarchical data retrieval using Intersoft WebGrid.NET control. | |
GroupByBoxObject | GroupByBoxObject class contains numerous settings and styles which controls the GroupBox's appearance. | |
ImageSettings | The ImageSettings object contains images file name settings that is used in WebGrid. | |
LayoutEventArgs | Class that allows users to set the behavior and styles of WebGrid. | |
LayoutSet | As the main object of the control, WebGrid.NET contains LayoutSet which provide a centralized access to customize most of the WebGrid's styles and behavior. You can control the styles, appearances, and behavior of the WebGrid by configuring the LayoutSettings such as AllowAddNew, AllowColumnMove, AllowGrouping, AllowFilter, and so on. Users can achieve the styles and behavior based on what they want effectively and conveniently using our powerful and easy-to-use Designer. | |
Margins | Sets the width of the top, right, bottom, and left margins of the object. | |
NonRetrievableAttribute | Use this attribute to mark a property in custom object as non retrievable. When a property has this attribute, the property will not be populated during databinding. | |
ObjectRow | ObjectRow class. Does not intended for direct developers use. | |
PostBackAction | Class that contains string constant for post back actions. | |
PostbackEventArgs | Provides data for OnTheFly postback event. | |
PrepareExportExecuteEventArgs | The base class for all event argument classes. The ReturnValue allows events to be cancelled to skip default event behavior. | |
PreviewRowSettings | Provides settings to control the appearance and behavior of PreviewRow. | |
PrimaryKeyAttribute | Use this attribute to mark a property in custom object as Primary Key. This attribute is required for Hierarchical custom objects databinding. | |
RowChangedEventArgs | Provides data for row changed related event. | |
RowEventArgs | Provides data for row related event. | |
SelectedObject | SelectedObject class contains client's last selected object. | |
SelfReferencingSettings | A collection of settings that replicate WebGrid's SelfReference feature. | |
SortEventArgs | Provides data for sort related event. | |
SpanEventArgs | Provides data for span related event. | |
TableEventArgs | Provides data for table related event. | |
TextSettings | Provides a centralized class for textual settings used in WebGrid. | |
WebGrid | Intersoft WebGrid.NET is an advanced DataGrid component for ASP.NET Web development. WebGrid.NET provides comprehensive list of functions that enable enterprise-class information to be delivered in hierarchical navigation with sophisticated user interaction. As a result, users can work with the information in a more effective and productive way. | |
WebGridBatchUpdateSettings | This class contains all settings and behaviors related to batch update feature. | |
WebGridCell | Represents an individual cell that belongs to WebGridTable objects. | |
WebGridCellCollection | A collection of WebGridCell objects that represent the cells of a WebGridTable object. | |
WebGridCellData | This class holds the delta information of modified cell data. | |
WebGridCellTemplateContainer | Represents template container that can be used to add template controls to the WebGridCell. | |
WebGridClientBindingSettings | ||
WebGridColumn | Represents a column of data that belongs to a WebGridTable object. WebGridColumn provides sophisticated and powerful configurations that allow users to work more effectively with data processing. Some of those configurations are: AggregateFunction, AllowGrouping, AllowSorting, AllowSizing, and so on. | |
WebGridColumnCollection | A collection of WebGridColumn objects that represent the columns of a WebGridTable object. | |
WebGridColumnSet | Represents a set of columns and rows to create one row layout in a WebGridTable object. WebGridColumnSet is implemented from unique row rendering mechanism. | |
WebGridColumnSetCollection | A collection of WebGridColumnSet objects that represent the column sets of a WebGridTable object. | |
WebGridCommandItem | This class does not intended for direct developers use. | |
WebGridCustomEditor | Represents the customized edit type in WebGrid control. | |
WebGridCustomEditorBehavior | Represents the behaviors of the customized edit type in WebGrid edit control. | |
WebGridCustomEditorCollection | A collection of WebGridCustomEditor objects that represent the customized edit types in WebGrid control. | |
WebGridFilter | Represents a filter column that belongs to a WebGridTable object. Filtering is an important function for users who need to find data in a more rapid and productive way. | |
WebGridFilterCollection | A collection of WebGridFilter objects that represent the FilterColumn of a WebGridTable object. | |
WebGridFormatCondition | Represents the condition or styles that can be defined and applied when the condition is met on WebGridTable object. Known of its rich styles, Intersoft WebGrid.NET WebGridFormatCondition has many settings that can be applied automatically, such as BackColor, ForeColor, FontSize, and so on. | |
WebGridFormatConditionCollection | A collection of WebGridFormatCondition objects that represent the FormatCondition of a WebGridTable object. | |
WebGridFormatStyle | The class that handles properties and methods directly related to the appearance of an object inside the grid. WebGridFormatStyles are applied to the cells, footers and column headers of the grid. | |
WebGridFreezePaneSettings | A collection of settings that replicate WebGrid's Column freezing, which is a new feature in WebGrid.NET 5.0. This new feature is the most significant new feature in WebGrid.NET 5.0 Enterprise and is the first original implementation that able to replicate Microsoft Excel's popular column freezing behavior. | |
WebGridGroup | WebGridGroup provides built-in grouping feature that automatically handles rows grouping based on specified Columns' value. This feature is powerful since users can perform grouping data per column using WebGrid.NET designer or programmatically. | |
WebGridGroupCollection | A collection of WebGridGroup objects that represent SortColumn and GroupColumn of a WebGridTable object. | |
WebGridObjectRelation | WebGridObjectRelation class, contains information about objects relationship information. | |
WebGridRow | Represents the data rows that belongs to WebGridTable object. WebGridRow contains numerous properties that allow you to configure rows, cells, table, child table, etc. according to your styles and manipulate the rows on WebGridTable. | |
WebGridRowChanges | This class represents the changes for a row object. | |
WebGridRowCollection | A collection of WebGridRow objects that represent the rows of a table of WebGrid control. | |
WebGridRowLayout | Represents the data row's rendering layout mode of WebGridTable object. | |
WebGridRowLayoutCollection | A collection of WebGridRowLayout that represent the rows' rendering layout mode of a WebGridTable object. | |
WebGridScrollBarStyle | Represents the scroll bar style of a WebGridTable object. | |
WebGridTable | WebGridTable is the cental object of WebGrid control. It is used as the RootTable object that represents the top most level of WebGridTableCollection object. | |
WebGridTableCollection | A collection of WebGridTable objects that represent the tables of WebGrid control. | |
WebGridTextItem | Represents the text item to customize the grid-level TextSettings. | |
WebGridTextItemCollection | Collection of WebGridTextItem objects that represent customized grid-level TextSettings of WebGridTable object. | |
WebValueList | Represents the text to be displayed instead of cell's value. |
Interface | Description | |
IHierarchicalList | IHierarchicalList interface, required to support hierarchichal objects binding in WebGrid.NET Enterprise V4.0. | |
IHierarchicalObject | IHierarchicalObject interface, required to support hierarchichal objects binding in WebGrid.NET Enterprise V4.0. | |
IObjectRelations | IObjectRelations interface, required to support hierarchichal objects binding in WebGrid.NET Enterprise V4.0. |
Delegate | Description | |
AddRowEventHandler | Delegates that handles the AddRow event. | |
ButtonClickEventHandler | Delegates that handles the ButtonClick event. | |
CellEventHandler | Delegate that handles the InitializeCell event. | |
ChildTableDataSourceEventHandler | Delegate that handles the InitializeChildTableDataSource event. | |
ColumnEventHandler | Delegate that handles the InitializeColumn event. | |
CustomAggregateEventHandler | Delegate that handles the CustomAggregate event. | |
CustomFilterEventHandler | Delegate that handles the CustomFilter event. | |
CustomSortEventHandler | Delegate that handles the CustomSort event. | |
DataSourceEventHandler | Delegate that handles the InitializeDataSource event. | |
DeleteRowEventHandler | Delegate that handles the DeleteRow event. | |
ExportCompletedEventHandler | Delegate that handles the ExportCompleted event. | |
ExportEventHandler | Represent the method that will handle the export event. | |
LayoutEventHandler | Delegate that handles the InitializeLayout event. | |
PostBackEventHandler | Delegate that handles the InitializePostBack event. | |
PrepareExportExecuteEventHandler | Delegate that handles the PrepareExportExecute event | |
RowEventHandler | Delegate that handles the InitializeRow event. | |
RowLayoutSpanEventHandler | Delegate that handles the RowLayoutSpan event. | |
TableEventHandler | Delegate that handles the InitializeTable event. | |
UpdateRowEventHandler | Delegate that handles the UpdateRow event. |
Enumeration | Description | |
AddNew | Value indicating whether user is allowed to add a new data in the WebGrid control. | |
AggregateFunctions | Value representing aggregate functions for the columns in the WebGrid control. | |
Alignment | Value representing the horizontal alignment of an element. | |
BaseEditorType | Value representing the base editor type that is used for WebGridCustomEditor. | |
CaseSensitive | Value indicating whether user is allowed to set case sensitive on a grouped WebGrid. | |
CellClick | Value representing the behavior of a cell when it is clicked. | |
ChartPosition | Specifies the PivotCharting position and the GridView position when GridInitialView is set to Both | |
ChildrenType | Value representing a child table type in the WebGrid. | |
ChildRowAction | Value representing the action when loaded child table is empty (no rows). | |
ClassicPagingExportMode | Specifies whether WebGrid should only export the current page view or entire dataset when PagingMode is set to ClassicPaging. | |
ClassicPagingLoadMode | Specifies the data paging mode when PagingMode is set to ClassicPaging. For custom data paging retrieval, please set this property to Custom | |
ClassicPagingStyle | Specifies the build-in user interface style for ClassicPaging feature | |
ColumnFilterType | Value representing the column filter type of the WebGridColumn in the WebGrid control. | |
ColumnFooterAggregateMode | Value indicating the calculation mode for aggregation function in Column Footer. | |
ColumnFreezing | Value indicating whether user is allowed to freeze column at runtime. | |
ColumnMove | Value indicating whether user is allowed to move column in WebGrid control. | |
ColumnSizing | Value indicating whether user is allowed to resize column in WebGrid control. | |
ColumnType | Value representing the type of the WebGridColumn in the WebGrid control. | |
ColumnVisibility | Value indicating whether a column is visible or hidden. | |
ControlType | Value representing the type of custom editor. | |
DefaultStyleKind | Value representing the mode of default style when UseDefaultStyle is enabled. | |
Delete | Value indicating whether user is allowed to delete a row in the WebGrid control. | |
DropdownButtonType | Value representing dropdown button type of the WebGridColumn in the WebGrid control. | |
Edit | Value indicating whether user is allowed to edit data in the WebGrid control. | |
EditKeyMode | ||
EditType | Value representing edit type of the WebGridColumn in the WebGrid control. | |
Export | Value indicating whether user is allowed to export or send data in the WebGrid control. | |
Filter | Value indicating whether user is allowed to perform filtering data in WebGrid control. | |
FilterEditType | Value representing filter edit type of the WebGridColumn in the WebGrid control. | |
FilterKeyMode | Value indicating what key used to apply all filters. | |
GridInitialView | Value indicating which WebGrid view is loaded initially. | |
GridLines | Value representing grid lines for theWebGridColumns in the WebGrid control. | |
GridPrintLayoutMode | Value representing the display mode when the WebGrid is in print layout view. | |
Grouping | Value indicating whether user is allowed to group, ungroup, and change group order in the WebGrid control. | |
GroupInterval | Value indicating what interval (value, text, alphabet, etc.) the WebGrid is grouped by. | |
GroupMode | Value representing the display mode when a WebGrid is in group view. | |
HeaderClick | Value representing how the WebGridRow will be sorted. | |
HideColumns | Value indicating whether the column will be hidden or displayed in the column header after it has been groupped. | |
HierarchicalOperation | Value representing the operation mode when the WebGrid is configured to use Hierarchical feature. | |
HyperlinkTarget | Value representing the target/destination of a hyperlink on WebGridColumn. | |
InProgressUIBehavior | Value representing the behavior of WebGrid when user invokes an action on WebGrid while there is an existing action currently in progress. | |
LanguageMode | Value representing the the language setting that is used for localization. | |
LostFocusMode | Value representing the behavior of the selected WebGridRow - which its value has been edited, when the focus is out of the row's area. | |
NewRowEditType | Value representing new row edit type of the WebGridColumn in the WebGrid control. | |
PageOrientation | Value representing the orientation of a page's layout. | |
PagingMode | Value representing how the data should be retrieved in WebGrid. | |
ParentRootMode | Value representing where the root table of the self referencing table point to. | |
PersistenceType | Value representing how the custom editor should be persisted. | |
PostbackMode | Value representing the behavior of postback. | |
ReportFileFormat | Value representing the file name format used by exporting feature. | |
RestorationLevel | Specifies the level of control's state restoration in a WebGrid. | |
RowChangedAction | Value representing the action when user changed the selected row in WebGrid. | |
RowHeaders | Value indicating whether or not to display row's header. | |
RowHighlightType | Value representing the highlight type when a row is selected. | |
RowLayoutMode | Value representing the display mode when the row is in layout view. | |
RowLayoutSpan | Value representing how the ColumnSet would be spanned. | |
RowState | Value representing how the rowstate mode would be stored. | |
RowType | Value representing the row type that is used for WebGridRow. | |
SchemaRetrievalMode | ||
SelectColumns | Value indicating whether user is allowed to add or remove columns in the WebGrid control. | |
Sorting | Value indicating whether user is allowed to perform sorting operation in the WebGrid control. | |
SortOrder | Value representing how the WebGridColumn will be sorted. | |
TargetObjectType | Value representing how the target object would be formated in WebGridFormatCondition. | |
ValueListSorting | Value indicating whether user is allowed to sort ValueList in the WebGrid. | |
VirtualLoadMode | Value representing load mechanism to retrieve and render data in the WebGrid control |