Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
ActiveFrozenColumns Property
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ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid Namespace > WebGridFreezePaneSettings Class : ActiveFrozenColumns Property

Gets or sets the number column (based on zero-index position) to be set as active frozen columns.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
<DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the number of columns (based on zero-index position) to be set as active frozen columns.")>
Public Property ActiveFrozenColumns As Integer
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As WebGridFreezePaneSettings
Dim value As Integer
instance.ActiveFrozenColumns = value
value = instance.ActiveFrozenColumns
[DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the number of columns (based on zero-index position) to be set as active frozen columns.")]
public int ActiveFrozenColumns {get; set;}
public read-write property ActiveFrozenColumns: Integer; 
DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the number of columns (based on zero-index position) to be set as active frozen columns.")
public function get,set ActiveFrozenColumns : int
Managed Extensions for C++ 
[DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the number of columns (based on zero-index position) to be set as active frozen columns.")]
public: __property int get_ActiveFrozenColumns();
public: __property void set_ActiveFrozenColumns( 
   int value
[DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the number of columns (based on zero-index position) to be set as active frozen columns.")]
property int ActiveFrozenColumns {
   int get();
   void set (    int value);


This property defines how many columns are frozen in initial page load. The default value is 0, which means no frozen columns need to be configured. The value of ActiveFrozenColumns property determines the number of visible columns to be frozen in respective columns order. For example, if you have a WebGrid with columns "FirstName, LastName, ContactTitle" and LastName's Visible is set to False and ActiveFrozenColumns set to 2, then the active frozen columns would be "FirstName" and "ContactTitle".

It is best practice to keep the ActiveFrozenColumns property to a value where the column freezing feature may deliver best results in user experience. For instance, if you set ActiveFrozenColumns to a value exceeding half of the columns length, then the column freezing display might not be useful.

For more information you can read How-to: Allow User to Freeze/Unfreeze at runtime.


Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family

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